Consensus statement: Recommendations for the management of metabolic bone disease in human immunodeficiency virus patients
Martinez, E, Gimeno, EJ, Garcia, RR, Carpintero, P, Casado, JL, Montes, JD, Pedrol, PD, Estrada, V, Maalouf, J, Negredo, E, Ocampo, A, Munoz-Torres, M
1 abr 2014
Objective: To provide practical recommendations for the evaluation and treatment of metabolic bone disease in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) patients.
Participants: Members of scientific societies related to bone metabolism and HIV: Grupo de Estudio de Sida (GeSIDA), Sociedad Espanola de Endocrinologia y Nutricion (SEEN), Sociedad Espanola de Investigacion Osea y del Metabolismo Mineral (SEIOMM), and Sociedad Espanola de Fractura Osteoporotica (SEFRAOS).
Methods: A systematic search was carried out in PubMed, and papers in English and Spanish with a publication date before 28 May 2013 were included. Recommendations were formulated according to GRADE system (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation) setting both their strength and the quality of supporting evidence. Working groups were established for each major part, and the final resulting document was later discussed in a face-to-face meeting. All the authors reviewed the final written document and agreed with its content.
Conclusions: The document provides evidence-based practical recommendations on the detection and treatment of bone disease in HIV-infected patients. (C) 2013 Elsevier Espana, S.L. and Sociedad Espanola de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica. All rights reserved.
Martinez, E:
Hosp Clin Barcelona, Unidad Enfermedades Infecciosas, Barcelona, Spain
Gimeno, EJ:
Hosp Univ Quiron, Serv Endocrinol, Madrid, Spain
Garcia, RR:
Hosp Gen Univ Rafael Mendez, Unidad Endocrinol, Murcia, Spain
Carpintero, P:
Hosp Univ Reina Sofia, Serv Traumatol, Cordoba, Spain
Casado, JL:
Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Serv Enfermedades Infecciosas, E-28034 Madrid, Spain
Montes, JD:
Hosp Univ Salamanca, Serv Reumatol, Salamanca, Spain
Pedrol, PD:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Serv Med Interna, Barcelona, Spain
Estrada, V:
Hosp Clin San Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Maalouf, J:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Med Interna, Unidad Metab Mineral, Barcelona, Spain
Negredo, E:
Hosp Badalona Germans Trias & Pujol, Serv Med Interna, Barcelona, Spain
Ocampo, A:
Complejo Hosp Univ Vigo CHUVI, Hosp Xeral Cies, Unidad VIH, Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain
Munoz-Torres, M:
Hosp Univ San Cecilio, Serv Endocrinol, Unidad Metab Oseo, Granada, Spain