Development of clinical practice guidelines for patients with comorbidity and multiple diseases
Bernabeu-Wittel, M, Alonso-Coello, P, Rico-Blazquez, M, del Campo, RR, Gomez, SS, Vales, EC
1 ago 2014
The management of patients with comorbidity and polypathology represents a challenge for all healthcare systems. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) have limitations when applied to this population. The aim of this study is to propose the terminology and methodology for optimally approach comorbidity and polypathology in the CPGs. Based on a literature review, we suggest a number of proposals for the approach in different phases of CPG preparation, with special attention to the inclusion of clusters of comorbidity in the initial questions the implementation of indirect evidence, the burden of disease management for patients and their environment, when establishing recommendations, as well as the strategies of dissemination and implementation. These proposals should be developed in greater depth with the implication of more agents in order to have valid and useful tools for this population. (C) 2013 Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Bernabeu-Wittel, M:
Hosp Univ Virgen del Rocio, SEMI, Unidad Gest Clin Med Interna, Seville, Spain
Alonso-Coello, P:
Ctr Cochrane Iberoamer, Inst Invest Biomed IIB St Pau, Grp MBE SemFYC, Barcelona, Spain
Rico-Blazquez, M:
Red Invest Serv Sanitarios Enfermedades Cron REDI, Serv Madrileno Salud, Unidad Apoyo Invest, Madrid, Spain
Univ Alcala de Henares, Fac Enfermeria, FAECAP, E-28801 Alcala De Henares, Spain
del Campo, RR:
Ctr Salud Alza, Grp MBE SemFYC, San Sebastian, Spain
Gomez, SS:
Escuela Univ Enfermeria Vitoria Gasteiz, Grp Cron, FAECAP, Vitoria, Spain
Vales, EC:
Hosp Lucus Augusti, SEMI, Serv Med Interna, Lugo, Spain
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