Targeted Prostate Cancer Screening in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: Results from the Initial Screening Round of the IMPACT Study

Por: Bancroft, EK, Page, EC, Castro, E, Lilja, H, Vickers, A, Sjoberg, D, Assel, M, Foster, CS, Mitchell, G, Drew, K, Maehle, L, Axcrona, K, Evans, DG, Bulman, B, Eccles, D, McBride, D, van Asperen, C, Vasen, H, Kiemeney, LA, Ringelberg, J, Cybulski, C, Wokolorczyk, D, Selkirk, C, Hulick, PJ, Bojesen, A, Skytte, AB, Lam, J, Taylor, L, Oldenburg, R, Cremers, R, Verhaegh, G, van Zelst-Stams, WA, Oosterwijk, JC, Blanco, I, Salinas, M, Cook, J, Rosario, DJ, Buys, S, Conner, T, Ausems, MG, Ong, KR, Hoffman, J, Domchek, S, Powers, J, Teixeira, MR, Maia, S, Foulkes, WD, Taherian, N, Ruijs, M, Helderman-van den Enden, AT, Izatt, L, Davidson, R, Adank, MA, Walker, L, Schmutzler, R, Tucker, K, Kirk, J, Hodgson, S, Harris, M, Douglas, F, Lindeman, GJ, Zgajnar, J, Tischkowitz, M, Clowes, VE, Susman, R, Cajal, TRY, Patcher, N, Gadea, N, Spigelman, A, van Os, T, Liljegren, A, Side, L, Brewer, C, Brady, AF, Donaldson, A, Stefansdottir, V, Friedman, E, Chen-Shtoyerman, R, Amor, DJ, Copakova, L, Barwell, J, Giri, VN, Murthy, V, Nicolai, N, Teo, SH, Greenhalgh, L, Strom, S, Henderson, A, McGrath, J, Gallagher, D, Aaronson, N, Ardern-Jones, A, Bangma, C, Dearnaley, D, Costello, P, Eyfjord, J, Rothwell, J, Falconer, A, Gronberg, H, Hamdy, FC, Johannsson, O, Khoo, V, Kote-Jarai, Z, Lubinski, J, Axcrona, U, Melia, J, McKinley, J, Mitra, AV, Moynihan, C, Rennert, G, Suri, M, Wilson, P, Killick, E, Moss, S, Eeles, RA, Taylor, N, Pope, J, Saya, S, Martin, S, Keating, D, Petelin, L, Murphy, M, Doherty, R, Pratt, S, Murphy, D, Cleeve, L, Miller, C, Stapleton, A, Chong, M, Suthers, G, Tucker, K, Andrews, L, Duffy, J, Millard, R, Ward, R, Williams, R, Stricker, P, Bowman, M, Patel, M, O'Connell, S, Hunt, C, Smyth, C, Frydenberg, M, Shackleton, K, McGaughran, J, Boon, M, Pachter, N, Townshend, S, Schofield, L, Gleeson, M, Scott, R, Burke, J, Patterson, B, Bacic, S, Swindle, P, Aprikian, A, Bojeson, A, Cruger, D, Osther, P, Gerdes, AM, Rhiem, K, Luedtke-Heckenkamp, K, Ochsendorf, N, Fiddike, K, Sarin, R, Awatagiri, K, Ghonge, S, Kowtal, P, Mulgund, G, Bambury, R, Farrell, M, Gallagher, F, Ben-Yehoshua, SJ, Nissani, R, Appelman, Z, Moriel, E, Radice, P, Valdagni, R, Magnani, T, Meng, TH, Yoon, SY, Thong, MK, Kiemeney, B, Van der Luijt, RB, Moller, P, Brennhovd, B, Medvik, H, Hanslien, E, Peixoto, A, Henrique, R, Oliveira, J, Goncalves, N, Araujo, L, Seixas, M, Joao, PS, Nogueira, P, Krajc, M, Vrecar, A, Capella, G, Fisas, D, Balmana, J, Morote, J, Hjalm-Eriksson, M, Ekdahl, KJ, Carlsson, S, Hanson, H, Shanley, S, Goh, C, Wiggins, J, Kohut, K, Van As, N, Thompson, A, Ogden, C, Borley, N, Woodhouse, C, Kumar, P, Mercer, C, Paterson, J, Taylor, A, Newcombe, B, Halliday, D, Stayner, B, Fleming-Brown, D, Brice, G, Homfray, T, Hammond, C, Potter, A, Renton, C, Searle, A, Hill, K, Goodman, S, Garcia, L, Devlin, G, Everest, S, Nadolski, M, Jobson, I, Paez, E, Tomkins, S, Pichert, G, Jacobs, C, Langman, C, Weston, M, Dorkins, H, Melville, A, Kosicka-Slawinska, M, Cummings, C, Kiesel, V, Bartlett, M, Randhawa, K, Ellery, N, Male, A, Simon, K, Rees, K, Compton, C, Tidey, L, Nevitt, L, Ingram, S, Catto, J, Howson, J, Chapman, C, Cole, T, Heaton, T, Burgess, L, Longmuir, M, Watt, C, Duncan, A, Kockelbergh, R, Sattar, A, Kaemba, B, Sidat, Z, Patel, N, Siguake, K, Birt, A, Poultney, U, Umez-Eronini, N, Mom, J, Roberts, G, Woodward, A, Sutton, V, Cornford, P, Treherne, K, Griffiths, J, Cogley, L, Rubinstein, W, Brendler, C, Helfand, B, McGuire, M, Kaul, K, Shevrin, D, Weissman, S, Newlin, A, Vogel, K, Weiss, S, Goldgar, D, Venne, V, Stephenson, R, Dechet, C, Arun, B, Davis, JW, Yamamura, Y, Gross, L

Publicada: 1 sep 2014
Background: Men with germline breast cancer 1, early onset (BRCA1) or breast cancer 2, early onset (BRCA2) gene mutations have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer (PCa) than noncarriers. IMPACT (Identification of Men with a genetic predisposition to ProstAte Cancer: Targeted screening in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers and controls) is an international consortium of 62 centres in 20 countries evaluating the use of targeted PCa screening in men with BRCA1/2 mutations. Objective: To report the first year's screening results for all men at enrolment in the study. Design, setting and participants: We recruited men aged 40-69 yr with germline BRCA1/2 mutations and a control group of men who have tested negative for a pathogenic BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation known to be present in their families. All men underwent prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing at enrolment, and those men with PSA > 3 ng/ml were offered prostate biopsy. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: PSA levels, PCa incidence, and tumour characteristics were evaluated. The Fisher exact test was used to compare the number of PCa cases among groups and the differences among disease types. Results and limitations: We recruited 2481 men (791 BRCA1 carriers, 531 BRCA1 controls; 731 BRCA2 carriers, 428 BRCA2 controls). A total of 199 men (8%) presented with PSA > 3.0 ng/ml, 162 biopsies were performed, and 59 PCas were diagnosed (18 BRCA1 carriers, 10 BRCA1 controls; 24 BRCA2 carriers, 7 BRCA2 controls); 66% of the tumours were classified as intermediate-or high-risk disease. The positive predictive value (PPV) for biopsy using a PSA threshold of 3.0 ng/ml in BRCA2 mutation carriers was 48%-double the PPV reported in population screening studies. A significant difference in detecting intermediate-or high-risk disease was observed in BRCA2 carriers. Ninety-five percent of the men were white, thus the results cannot be generalised to all ethnic groups. Conclusions: The IMPACT screening network will be useful for targeted PCa screening studies in men with germline genetic risk variants as they are discovered. These preliminary results support the use of targeted PSA screening based on BRCA genotype and show that this screening yields a high proportion of aggressive disease. Patient summary: In this report, we demonstrate that germline genetic markers can be used to identify men at higher risk of prostate cancer. Targeting screening at these men resulted in the identification of tumours that were more likely to require treatment. (C) 2014 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.

Bancroft, EK:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Canc Genet Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Acad Urol Unit, London, England

 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Page, EC:
 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Castro, E:
 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

 Spanish Natl Canc Res Ctr, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Lilja, H:
 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Dept Lab Med, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10021 USA

 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Dept Surg, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10021 USA

 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Dept Med, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10021 USA

 Univ Oxford, Nuffield Dept Surg Sci, Oxford, England

 Univ Tampere, Inst Biomed Technol, Tampere, Finland

 Lund Univ, Dept Lab Med, Malmo, Sweden

Vickers, A:
 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, New York, NY 10021 USA

Sjoberg, D:
 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, New York, NY 10021 USA

Assel, M:
 Mem Sloan Kettering Canc Ctr, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, New York, NY 10021 USA

Foster, CS:
 HCA Healthcare Labs, London WC1E 6JA, England

Mitchell, G:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Familial Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

 Univ Melbourne, Sir Peter MacCallum Dept Oncol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Drew, K:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Familial Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Maehle, L:
 Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway

Axcrona, K:
 Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway

Evans, DG:
 Cent Manchester Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Manchester Acad Hlth Sci Ctr, Gen Med, Manchester, Lancs, England

 Manchester Reg Genet Serv, Manchester, Lancs, England

Bulman, B:
 Cent Manchester Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Manchester Acad Hlth Sci Ctr, Gen Med, Manchester, Lancs, England

 Manchester Reg Genet Serv, Manchester, Lancs, England

Eccles, D:
 Princess Anne Hosp, Wessex Clin Genet Serv, Southampton, Hants, England

 Wessex Clin Genet Serv, Southampton, Hants, England

McBride, D:
 Princess Anne Hosp, Wessex Clin Genet Serv, Southampton, Hants, England

 Wessex Clin Genet Serv, Southampton, Hants, England

van Asperen, C:
 Leiden Univ Med Ctr, Leiden, Netherlands

Vasen, H:
 Fdn Detect Hereditary Tumours, Leiden, Netherlands

Kiemeney, LA:
 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Ringelberg, J:
 Fdn Detect Hereditary Tumours, Leiden, Netherlands

Cybulski, C:
 Pomeranian Med Univ, Intl Hereditary Canc Ctr, Szczecin, Poland

 Int Hereditary Canc Ctr, Szczecin, Poland

Wokolorczyk, D:
 Pomeranian Med Univ, Intl Hereditary Canc Ctr, Szczecin, Poland

 Int Hereditary Canc Ctr, Szczecin, Poland

Selkirk, C:
 NorthShore Univ HealthSyst, Ctr Med Genet, Evanston, IL USA

 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Hulick, PJ:
 NorthShore Univ HealthSyst, Ctr Med Genet, Evanston, IL USA

 Univ Chicago, Pritzker Sch Med, Chicago, IL 60637 USA

 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Bojesen, A:
 Vejle Hosp, Vejle, Denmark

Skytte, AB:
 Vejle Hosp, Vejle, Denmark

Lam, J:
 Repatriat Gen Hosp, Dept Urol, Daw Pk, SA, Australia

Taylor, L:
 Repatriat Gen Hosp, Dept Urol, Daw Pk, SA, Australia

Oldenburg, R:
 Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cremers, R:
 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Verhaegh, G:
 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, Nijmegen, Netherlands

van Zelst-Stams, WA:
 Radboud Univ Nijmegen Med Ctr, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Oosterwijk, JC:
 Univ Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands

Blanco, I:
 LHosp, Catalonian Inst Oncol, Hereditary Canc Program, Barcelona, Spain

 Catalonian Inst Oncol, Hereditary Canc Program, Barcelona, Spain

Salinas, M:
 LHosp, Catalonian Inst Oncol, Hereditary Canc Program, Barcelona, Spain

 Catalonian Inst Oncol, Hereditary Canc Program, Barcelona, Spain

Cook, J:
 Sheffield Childrens Hosp, Sheffield Clin Genet Serv, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

 North Trent Clin Genet Serv, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

Rosario, DJ:
 Royal Hallamshire Hosp, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

 Acad Urol Unit, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

Buys, S:
 Univ Utah, Huntsman Canc Inst, Salt Lake City, UT USA

Conner, T:
 Univ Utah, Huntsman Canc Inst, Salt Lake City, UT USA

Ausems, MG:
 Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Dept Med Genet, Utrecht, Netherlands

 Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Ong, KR:
 Birmingham Womens Hosp, Clin Genet Unit, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

 West Midlands Reg Clin Genet Serv, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

Hoffman, J:
 Birmingham Womens Hosp, Clin Genet Unit, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

 West Midlands Reg Clin Genet Serv, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

Domchek, S:
 Univ Penn, Basser Res Ctr, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

 Univ Penn, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

Powers, J:
 Univ Penn, Basser Res Ctr, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

 Univ Penn, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

Teixeira, MR:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Genet Dept, Porto, Portugal

 Univ Porto, Biomed Sci Inst ICBAS, Porto, Portugal

 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Maia, S:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Genet Dept, Porto, Portugal

 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Foulkes, WD:
 McGill Univ, Dept Oncol, McGill Program Canc Genet, Montreal, PQ, Canada

 McGill Univ, Montreal, PQ, Canada

Taherian, N:
 McGill Univ, Dept Oncol, McGill Program Canc Genet, Montreal, PQ, Canada

 McGill Univ, Montreal, PQ, Canada

Ruijs, M:
 Netherlands Canc Inst, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Helderman-van den Enden, AT:
 Maastricht Univ Med Ctr, Dept Clin Genet, Maastricht, Netherlands

 Univ Hosp Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands

Izatt, L:
 South East Thames Genet Serv, London, England

 Guys Hosp, London, England

 Guys Hosp London, South East Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Davidson, R:
 Yorkhill NHS Trust, Duncan Guthrie Inst Med Genet, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland

 West Scotland Genet Serv, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland

Adank, MA:
 Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Walker, L:
 Churchill Hosp, Oxford, England

 Oxford Reg Genet Serv, Oxford, England

Schmutzler, R:
 Univ Hosp Cologne, Ctr Familial Breast & Ovarian Canc, Cologne, Germany

Tucker, K:
 Prince Wales Hosp, Hereditary Canc Clin, Randwick, NSW, Australia

 Univ New S Wales, Fac Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Kirk, J:
 Westmead Hosp, Familial Canc Serv, Sydney, NSW, Australia

 Univ Sydney, Sydney Med Sch, Westmead Millennium Inst, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Hodgson, S:
 St George Hosp, London, England

 South West Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Harris, M:
 Monash Hlth, Familial Canc Ctr, Clayton, Vic, Australia

Douglas, F:
 Newcastle Upon Tyne Hosp, No Gen Serv, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England

 Northern Clin Genet Serv, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England

Lindeman, GJ:
 Royal Melbourne Hosp, Familial Canc Ctr, Parkville, Vic, Australia

 Walter & Eliza Hall Inst Med Res, Stem Cells & Canc Div, Parkville, Vic, Australia

 Univ Melbourne, Dept Med, Parkville, Vic, Australia

Zgajnar, J:
 Inst Oncol, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tischkowitz, M:
 Addenbrookes Hosp, Cambridge, England

 Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, England

 McGill Univ, Montreal, PQ, Canada

 East Anglian Reg Genet Serv, Cambridge, England

Clowes, VE:
 Addenbrookes Hosp, Cambridge, England

 Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, England

 East Anglian Reg Genet Serv, Cambridge, England

 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Susman, R:
 Royal Brisbane & Womens Hosp, Genet Hlth Queensland, Herston, Qld, Australia

Cajal, TRY:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Patcher, N:
 King Edward Mem Hosp, Genet Serv WA, Subiaco, WA, Australia

 Univ Western Australia, Dept Paediat, Perth, WA, Australia

Gadea, N:
 Hosp Valle De Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

Spigelman, A:
 Hunter Family Canc Serv, Waratah, NSW, Australia

 Univ New South West, St Vincents Clin Sch, Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia

 St Vincent Hosp, Kinghorn Canc Ctr, Hereditary Canc Clin, Sydney, NSW, Australia

 Univ New S Wales, St Vincents Clin Sch, Sydney, NSW, Australia

van Os, T:
 Acad Med Ctr, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Liljegren, A:
 Karolinska Univ Hosp, Stockholm, Sweden

 Karolinska Inst, Stockholm, Sweden

Side, L:
 Inst Child Hlth, NE Thames Reg Gent Serv, London, England

 North Eest Thames Reg Genet Serv, NE Thames, England

Brewer, C:
 Derriford Hosp, Peninsular Genet, Plymouth, Devon, England

 Royal Devon & Exeter Hosp, Exeter, Devon, England

 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

 Derriford Hosp, Plymouth, Devon, England

Brady, AF:
 North West London Hosp NHS Trust, Kennedy Galton Ctr, North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Donaldson, A:
 St Michaels Hosp, Bristol, Avon, England

 South West Reg Genet Serv, Bristol, Avon, England

Stefansdottir, V:
 Landspitali Natl Univ Hosp Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

 Univ Hosp Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

Friedman, E:
 Chaim Sheba Med Ctr, Tel Hashomer, Israel

 Chaim Shema Med Ctr, Tel Hashomer, Israel

Chen-Shtoyerman, R:
 Kaplan Med Ctr, Genet Inst, Rehovot, Israel

 Kaplan Med Ctr, Dept Urol, Rehovot, Israel

Amor, DJ:
 Murdoch Childrens Res Inst, Parkville, Vic, Australia

 Univ Melbourne, Dept Paediat, Parkville, Vic, Australia

Copakova, L:
 Natl Canc Inst, Bratislava, Slovakia

Barwell, J:
 Univ Leicester, Leicester, Leics, England

 Univ Hosp Leicester, Leicester, Leics, England

 Leicester Royal Infirm, Leicester, Leics, England

Giri, VN:
 Fox Chase Canc Ctr, Philadelphia, PA USA

Murthy, V:
 Tata Mem Hosp, Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Nicolai, N:
 Ist Nazl Tumori, Milan, Italy

Teo, SH:
 Subang Jaya Med Ctr, Canc Res Initiat Fdn, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

 Univ Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Greenhalgh, L:
 Royal Liverpool Childrens Hosp, Clin Genet, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

 Royal Liverpool Childrens Hosp, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Strom, S:
 Univ Texas MD Anderson Canc Ctr, Houston, TX USA

 MD Anderson, Houston, TX USA

Henderson, A:
 Newcastle Upon Tyne Hosp, No Gen Serv, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England

 North Cumbria Univ Hosp Trust, Whitehaven, England

McGrath, J:
 Royal Devon & Exeter Hosp, Exeter, Devon, England

Gallagher, D:
 Mater Misericordiae Univ Hosp, Dublin, Ireland

 Mater Private Hosp, Dublin, Ireland

Aaronson, N:
 Netherlands Canc Inst, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ardern-Jones, A:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Canc Genet Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Acad Urol Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Bangma, C:
 Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Dearnaley, D:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Canc Genet Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Acad Urol Unit, London, England

 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

Costello, P:
 Princess Anne Hosp, Wessex Clin Genet Serv, Southampton, Hants, England

 Wessex Clin Genet Serv, Southampton, Hants, England

Eyfjord, J:
 Univ Iceland, Sch Hlth Sci, Fac Med, Reykjavik, Iceland

Rothwell, J:
 Cent Manchester Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Manchester Acad Hlth Sci Ctr, Gen Med, Manchester, Lancs, England

 Manchester Reg Genet Serv, Manchester, Lancs, England

Falconer, A:
 Imperial Coll Healthcare NHS Trust, London, England

Gronberg, H:
 Univ Hosp, Umea, Sweden

Hamdy, FC:
 Univ Oxford, Nuffield Dept Surg Sci, Oxford, England

 Churchill Hosp, Oxford, England

Johannsson, O:
 Landspitali Natl Univ Hosp Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

 Univ Hosp Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland

Khoo, V:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Canc Genet Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Acad Urol Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Kote-Jarai, Z:
 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

Lubinski, J:
 Pomeranian Med Univ, Intl Hereditary Canc Ctr, Szczecin, Poland

 Int Hereditary Canc Ctr, Szczecin, Poland

Axcrona, U:
 Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway

Melia, J:
 Univ Cambridge, Cambridge, England

McKinley, J:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Familial Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Mitra, AV:
 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

 Univ Coll London Hosp NHS Fdn, London, England

Moynihan, C:
 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

Rennert, G:
 Carmel Hosp, CHS Natl Canc Control Ctr, Haifa, Israel

Suri, M:
 Nottingham City Hosp, Nottingham, England

Wilson, P:
 BioZenix, Altrincham, Cheshire, England

Killick, E:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Canc Genet Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Acad Urol Unit, London, England

 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Eeles, RA:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Canc Genet Unit, London, England

 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, Acad Urol Unit, London, England

 Inst Canc Res, Oncogenet Team, London, England

 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Taylor, N:
 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Pope, J:
 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Saya, S:
 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Martin, S:
 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Keating, D:
 Inst Canc Res, Coordinating Ctr, London, England

Petelin, L:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Familial Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Murphy, M:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Familial Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Doherty, R:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Familial Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Pratt, S:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Familial Canc Ctr, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Murphy, D:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Dept Urol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Cleeve, L:
 Peter MacCallum Canc Ctr, Dept Urol, Melbourne, Vic, Australia

Miller, C:
 Repatriat Gen Hosp, Dept Urol, Daw Pk, SA, Australia

Stapleton, A:
 Repatriat Gen Hosp, Dept Urol, Daw Pk, SA, Australia

Chong, M:
 Repatriat Gen Hosp, Dept Urol, Daw Pk, SA, Australia

Suthers, G:
 Womens & Childrens Hosp, SA Pathol, SA Clin Genet Serv, Adelaide, SA, Australia

Tucker, K:
 Prince Wales Hosp, Hereditary Canc Clin, Randwick, NSW, Australia

 Univ New S Wales, Fac Med, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Andrews, L:
 Prince Wales Hosp, Hereditary Canc Clin, Randwick, NSW, Australia

Duffy, J:
 Prince Wales Hosp, Hereditary Canc Clin, Randwick, NSW, Australia

Millard, R:
 Prince Wales Hosp, Dept Urol, Randwick, NSW, Australia

Ward, R:
 UNSW, Fac Med, Prince Wales Clin Sch, Hereditary Canc Clin, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Williams, R:
 UNSW, Fac Med, Prince Wales Clin Sch, Hereditary Canc Clin, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Stricker, P:
 St Vincents Clin, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Bowman, M:
 Westmead Hosp, Familial Canc Serv, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Patel, M:
 Westmead Hosp, Sydney, NSW, Australia

O'Connell, S:
 Monash Hlth, Familial Canc Ctr, Clayton, Vic, Australia

Hunt, C:
 Monash Hlth, Familial Canc Ctr, Clayton, Vic, Australia

Smyth, C:
 Monash Hlth, Familial Canc Ctr, Clayton, Vic, Australia

Frydenberg, M:
 Monash Med Ctr, Clayton, Vic, Australia

Shackleton, K:
 Royal Melbourne Hosp, Familial Canc Ctr, Parkville, Vic, Australia

McGaughran, J:
 Royal Brisbane & Womens Hosp, Genet Hlth Queensland, Herston, Qld, Australia

Boon, M:
 Royal Brisbane & Womens Hosp, Genet Hlth Queensland, Herston, Qld, Australia

Townshend, S:
 King Edward Mem Hosp, Genet Serv WA, Subiaco, WA, Australia

Schofield, L:
 King Edward Mem Hosp, Genet Serv WA, Subiaco, WA, Australia

Gleeson, M:
 Hunter Family Canc Serv, Waratah, NSW, Australia

Scott, R:
 Univ Newcastle, Sch Biomed Sci & Pharm, Callaghan, NSW, Australia

Burke, J:
 Tasmanian Clin Genet Serv, Hobart, Tas, Australia

Patterson, B:
 Tasmanian Clin Genet Serv, Hobart, Tas, Australia

Bacic, S:
 Tasmanian Clin Genet Serv, Hobart, Tas, Australia

Swindle, P:
 Mater Private Hosp, Brisbane, Qld, Australia

Aprikian, A:
 McGill Univ, Montreal, PQ, Canada

Cruger, D:
 Vejle Hosp, Vejle, Denmark

Osther, P:
 Fredericia & Kolding Hosp, Fredericia, Denmark

Gerdes, AM:
 Odense Univ Hosp, Odense, Denmark

Rhiem, K:
 Univ Hosp Cologne, Ctr Familial Breast & Ovarian Canc, Cologne, Germany

Luedtke-Heckenkamp, K:
 Univ Hosp Cologne, Ctr Familial Breast & Ovarian Canc, Cologne, Germany

Ochsendorf, N:
 Univ Hosp Cologne, Ctr Familial Breast & Ovarian Canc, Cologne, Germany

Fiddike, K:
 Univ Hosp Cologne, Ctr Familial Breast & Ovarian Canc, Cologne, Germany

Sarin, R:
 Tata Mem Hosp, Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Awatagiri, K:
 Tata Mem Hosp, Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Ghonge, S:
 Tata Mem Hosp, Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Kowtal, P:
 Tata Mem Hosp, Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Mulgund, G:
 Tata Mem Hosp, Bombay, Maharashtra, India

Bambury, R:
 Mater Private Hosp, Dublin, Ireland

Farrell, M:
 Mater Private Hosp, Dublin, Ireland

Gallagher, F:
 Mater Private Hosp, Dublin, Ireland

Ben-Yehoshua, SJ:
 Kaplan Med Ctr, Genet Inst, Rehovot, Israel

 Kaplan Med Ctr, Dept Urol, Rehovot, Israel

Nissani, R:
 Kaplan Med Ctr, Genet Inst, Rehovot, Israel

 Kaplan Med Ctr, Dept Urol, Rehovot, Israel

Appelman, Z:
 Kaplan Med Ctr, Genet Inst, Rehovot, Israel

 Kaplan Med Ctr, Dept Urol, Rehovot, Israel

Moriel, E:
 Kaplan Med Ctr, Genet Inst, Rehovot, Israel

 Kaplan Med Ctr, Dept Urol, Rehovot, Israel

Radice, P:
 Ist Nazl Tumori, Milan, Italy

Valdagni, R:
 Ist Nazl Tumori, Milan, Italy

Magnani, T:
 Ist Nazl Tumori, Milan, Italy

Meng, TH:
 Subang Jaya Med Ctr, Canc Res Initiat Fdn, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Yoon, SY:
 Subang Jaya Med Ctr, Canc Res Initiat Fdn, Selangor, Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Thong, MK:
 Univ Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Van der Luijt, RB:
 Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands

Moller, P:
 Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway

Brennhovd, B:
 Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway

Medvik, H:
 Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway

Hanslien, E:
 Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway

Peixoto, A:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Henrique, R:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Oliveira, J:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Goncalves, N:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Araujo, L:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Seixas, M:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Joao, PS:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Nogueira, P:
 Portuguese Oncol Inst, Porto, Portugal

Krajc, M:
 Inst Oncol, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Vrecar, A:
 Inst Oncol, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Capella, G:
 Catalonian Inst Oncol, Hereditary Canc Program, Barcelona, Spain

Fisas, D:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Balmana, J:
 Hosp Valle De Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

Morote, J:
 Hosp Valle De Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

Hjalm-Eriksson, M:
 Karolinska Univ Hosp, Stockholm, Sweden

Ekdahl, KJ:
 Karolinska Univ Hosp, Stockholm, Sweden

Carlsson, S:
 Karolinska Univ Hosp, Stockholm, Sweden

Hanson, H:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Shanley, S:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Goh, C:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Wiggins, J:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Kohut, K:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Van As, N:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Thompson, A:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Ogden, C:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Borley, N:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Woodhouse, C:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Kumar, P:
 Royal Marsden NHS Fdn Trust, London, England

Mercer, C:
 Wessex Clin Genet Serv, Southampton, Hants, England

Paterson, J:
 East Anglian Reg Genet Serv, Cambridge, England

Taylor, A:
 East Anglian Reg Genet Serv, Cambridge, England

Newcombe, B:
 East Anglian Reg Genet Serv, Cambridge, England

Halliday, D:
 Oxford Reg Genet Serv, Oxford, England

Stayner, B:
 Oxford Reg Genet Serv, Oxford, England

Fleming-Brown, D:
 Oxford Reg Genet Serv, Oxford, England

Brice, G:
 South West Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Homfray, T:
 South West Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Hammond, C:
 South West Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Potter, A:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Renton, C:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Searle, A:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Hill, K:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Goodman, S:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Garcia, L:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Devlin, G:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Everest, S:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Nadolski, M:
 Peninsula Clin Genet Serv, Exeter, Devon, England

Jobson, I:
 Northern Clin Genet Serv, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England

Paez, E:
 Northern Clin Genet Serv, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England

Tomkins, S:
 South West Reg Genet Serv, Bristol, Avon, England

Pichert, G:
 Guys Hosp London, South East Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Jacobs, C:
 Guys Hosp London, South East Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Langman, C:
 Guys Hosp London, South East Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Weston, M:
 Guys Hosp London, South East Thames Reg Genet Serv, London, England

Dorkins, H:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Melville, A:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Kosicka-Slawinska, M:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Cummings, C:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Kiesel, V:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Bartlett, M:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Randhawa, K:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Ellery, N:
 North West Thames Reg Genet Serv, Harrow, Middx, England

Male, A:
 North Eest Thames Reg Genet Serv, NE Thames, England

Simon, K:
 North Eest Thames Reg Genet Serv, NE Thames, England

Rees, K:
 North Eest Thames Reg Genet Serv, NE Thames, England

Compton, C:
 North Eest Thames Reg Genet Serv, NE Thames, England

Tidey, L:
 North Eest Thames Reg Genet Serv, NE Thames, England

Nevitt, L:
 North Trent Clin Genet Serv, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

Ingram, S:
 North Trent Clin Genet Serv, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

Catto, J:
 Acad Urol Unit, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

Howson, J:
 Acad Urol Unit, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England

Chapman, C:
 West Midlands Reg Clin Genet Serv, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

Cole, T:
 West Midlands Reg Clin Genet Serv, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

Heaton, T:
 West Midlands Reg Clin Genet Serv, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

Burgess, L:
 West Midlands Reg Clin Genet Serv, Birmingham, W Midlands, England

Longmuir, M:
 West Scotland Genet Serv, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland

Watt, C:
 West Scotland Genet Serv, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland

Duncan, A:
 West Scotland Genet Serv, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland

Kockelbergh, R:
 Leicester Royal Infirm, Leicester, Leics, England

Sattar, A:
 Leicester Royal Infirm, Leicester, Leics, England

Kaemba, B:
 Leicester Royal Infirm, Leicester, Leics, England

Sidat, Z:
 Leicester Royal Infirm, Leicester, Leics, England

Patel, N:
 Leicester Royal Infirm, Leicester, Leics, England

Siguake, K:
 Leicester Royal Infirm, Leicester, Leics, England

Birt, A:
 North Cumbria Univ Hosp Trust, Whitehaven, England

Poultney, U:
 North Cumbria Univ Hosp Trust, Whitehaven, England

Umez-Eronini, N:
 North Cumbria Univ Hosp Trust, Whitehaven, England

Roberts, G:
 Royal Liverpool Childrens Hosp, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Woodward, A:
 Royal Liverpool Childrens Hosp, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Sutton, V:
 North Cumbria Univ Hosp Trust, Whitehaven, England

 Royal Liverpool Childrens Hosp, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Cornford, P:
 Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hosp NHS Trust, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Treherne, K:
 Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hosp NHS Trust, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Griffiths, J:
 Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hosp NHS Trust, Liverpool, Merseyside, England

Cogley, L:
 Derriford Hosp, Plymouth, Devon, England

Rubinstein, W:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Brendler, C:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Helfand, B:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

McGuire, M:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Kaul, K:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Shevrin, D:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Weissman, S:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Newlin, A:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Vogel, K:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Weiss, S:
 Northshore Univ Healthsyst, Evanston, IL USA

Arun, B:
 MD Anderson, Houston, TX USA

Davis, JW:
 MD Anderson, Houston, TX USA

Yamamura, Y:
 MD Anderson, Houston, TX USA

Gross, L:
 Fox Chase Canc Ctr, Philadelphia, PA USA

Portuguese Oncol Inst, Res Ctr, Porto, Portugal.
McGill Univ, Dept Human Genet, McGill Program Canc Genet, Montreal, PQ, Canada.
Victorian Canc Biobank, Carlton, Vic, Australia.
STOET Stichting Opsporing Erfelijke Tumoren, Leiden, Netherlands.
ISSN: 03022838

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 66 Número: 3
Páginas: 489-499
WOS Id: 000340260900025
ID de PubMed: 24484606
imagen Green Accepted, Green Published, Hybrid Gold