Dose-intensive chemotherapy including rituximab is highly effective but toxic in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia: parallel study of 81 patients

Por: Xicoy, B, Ribera, JM, Muller, M, Garcia, O, Hoffmann, C, Oriol, A, Hentrich, M, Grande, C, Wasmuth, JC, Esteve, J, van Lunzen, J, del Potro, E, Knechten, H, Brunet, S, Mayr, C, Escoda, L, Schommers, P, Alonso, N, Vall-Llovera, F, Perez, M, Morgades, M, Gonzalez, J, Fernandez, A, Thoden, J, Gokbuget, N, Hoelzer, D, Fatkenheuer, G, Wyen, C

Publicada: 1 oct 2014
The results of intensive immunochemotherapy were analyzed in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-related Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia (BLL) in two cohorts (Spain and Germany). Alternating cycles of chemotherapy were administered, with dose reductions for patients over 55 years. Eighty percent of patients achieved remission, 11% died during induction, 9% failed and 7% died in remission. Four-year overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) probabilities were 72% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 62-82%) and 71% (95% CI: 61-81%). CD4 T-cell count < 200/mu L and bone marrow involvement were associated with poor OS (hazard ratio [HR] 3.2 [1.2-8.3] and HR 2.7 [1.1-6.6]) and PFS (HR 3.5 [1.3-9.1] and HR 2.4 [1-5.7]), bone marrow involvement with poor disease-free survival (DFS) (HR 14.4 [1.7-119.7] and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) score > 2 (odds ratio [OR] 11.9 [1.4-99.9]) with induction death. In HIV-related BLL, intensive immunochemotherapy was feasible and effective, but toxic. Prognostic factors were performance status, CD4 T-cell count and bone marrow involvement.

Xicoy, B:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Recerca Leucemia Josep Carreras, ICO Hosp Germans Trias & Pujol, Dept Clin Hematol, Badalona 08916, Spain

Ribera, JM:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Recerca Leucemia Josep Carreras, ICO Hosp Germans Trias & Pujol, Dept Clin Hematol, Badalona 08916, Spain

Muller, M:
 Vivantes Klinikum Neukolln, Dept Internal Med, Berlin, Germany

Garcia, O:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Recerca Leucemia Josep Carreras, ICO Hosp Germans Trias & Pujol, Dept Clin Hematol, Badalona 08916, Spain

Hoffmann, C:
 Hamburg Univ Schleswig Holstein, ICH Study Ctr, Hamburg, Germany

Oriol, A:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Recerca Leucemia Josep Carreras, ICO Hosp Germans Trias & Pujol, Dept Clin Hematol, Badalona 08916, Spain

Hentrich, M:
 Hosp Harlaching, Dept Hematol & Oncol, Munich, Germany

Grande, C:
 Hosp Doce Octubre, Dept Hematol, Madrid, Spain

Wasmuth, JC:
 Univ Bonn, Dept Internal Med 1, Bonn, Germany

Esteve, J:
 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Dept Hematol, Barcelona, Spain

van Lunzen, J:
 Univ Hamburg Eppendorf, Dept Internal Med, Hamburg, Germany

del Potro, E:
 Hosp Clin San Carlos, Dept Hematol, Madrid, Spain

Knechten, H:
 PZB, Aachen, Germany

Brunet, S:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Hematol, Barcelona, Spain

Mayr, C:
 Arzteforum Seestr, Berlin, Germany

Escoda, L:
 Hosp Joan 23, Dept Hematol, Tarragona, Spain

Schommers, P:
 Univ Cologne, Dept Internal Med 1, D-50931 Cologne, Germany

Alonso, N:
 Hosp Xeral Santiago de Compostela, Dept Hematol, Santiago De Compostela, Spain

Vall-Llovera, F:
 Hosp Mutua Terrassa, Dept Hematol, Barcelona, Spain

Perez, M:
 Hosp Virgen de la Concha, Dept Hematol, Zamora, Spain

Morgades, M:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Recerca Leucemia Josep Carreras, ICO Hosp Germans Trias & Pujol, Dept Clin Hematol, Badalona 08916, Spain

Gonzalez, J:
 Hosp Univ Virgen del Rocio, Dept Hematol, Seville, Spain

Fernandez, A:
 Hosp Xeral CIES, Dept Hematol, Vigo, Spain

Thoden, J:
 Univ Hosp Freiburg, Dept Internal Med, Freiberg, Germany

Gokbuget, N:
 Goethe Univ Hosp, Dept Med 2, Dept Hematol, Frankfurt, Germany

Hoelzer, D:
 Goethe Univ Hosp, Dept Med 2, Dept Hematol, Frankfurt, Germany

Fatkenheuer, G:
 Univ Cologne, Dept Internal Med 1, D-50931 Cologne, Germany

Wyen, C:
 Univ Cologne, Dept Internal Med 1, D-50931 Cologne, Germany
ISSN: 10428194

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 55 Número: 10
Páginas: 2341-2348
WOS Id: 000343000100020
ID de PubMed: 24397614