NAD plus -Increasing Strategies to Improve Cardiometabolic Health?

Por: Blanco-Vaca, F, Rotllan, N, Canyelles, M, Mauricio, D, Escola-Gil, JC, Julve, J

Publicada: 31 ene 2022
Depleted nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a common hallmark of metabolic disorders. Therefore, NAD+-increasing strategies have evolved as a potential therapeutic venue to combat cardiometabolic diseases. Several forms of vitamin B3, i.e., nicotinamide and nicotinamide mononucleotide, and especially nicotinamide riboside, have attracted most interest as potentially safe and efficacious candidates for NAD+ restoration. Herein, we dissected the characteristics of the latest clinical trials testing the therapeutic potential of different vitamin B3 molecules to improve cardiometabolic health, with a special focus on randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials performed in the context of obesity or other pathologies, mainly linked to cardiovascular system and skeletal muscle functionality. The favorable outcomes via NAD+-increasing strategies found in the different studies were quite heterogeneous. NAD+-increasing interventions improved capacity to exercise, decreased blood pressure, increased the anti-inflammatory profile and insulin-stimulated glucose disposal, and reduced the fat-free mass. Except for the decreased blood pressure, the significant results did not include many hard clinical end points, such as decreases in weight, BMI, fasting glucose, or HbA1c percentage. However, the analyzed trials were short-term interventions. Overall, the accumulated clinical data can be interpreted as moderately promising. Additional and long-term studies will be needed to directly compare the doses and duration of treatments among different vitamin B3 regimes, as well as to define the type of patients, if any, that could benefit from these treatments. In this context, a major point of advancement in delineating future clinical trials would be to identify subjects with a recognized NAD+ deficiency using novel, appropriate biomarkers. Also, confirmation of gender-specific effect of NAD+-increasing treatments would be needed.

Blanco-Vaca, F:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Inst dInvest Biomed Sant Pau, Serv Bioquim, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Bioquim & Biol Mol, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBER Diabet & Enfermedades Metabolicas Aso, Madrid, Spain

Rotllan, N:
 CIBER Diabet & Enfermedades Metabolicas Aso, Madrid, Spain

 LHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau, Inst Recerca lHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau Inst d, Barcelona, Spain

Canyelles, M:
 CIBER Diabet & Enfermedades Metabolicas Aso, Madrid, Spain

 LHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau, Inst Recerca lHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau Inst d, Barcelona, Spain

Mauricio, D:
 CIBER Diabet & Enfermedades Metabolicas Aso, Madrid, Spain

 LHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau, Inst Recerca lHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau Inst d, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Inst dInvest Biomed Sant Pau, Serv Endocrinol Nutricio, Barcelona, Spain

Escola-Gil, JC:
 CIBER Diabet & Enfermedades Metabolicas Aso, Madrid, Spain

 LHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau, Inst Recerca lHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau Inst d, Barcelona, Spain

Julve, J:
 CIBER Diabet & Enfermedades Metabolicas Aso, Madrid, Spain

 LHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau, Inst Recerca lHosp Santa Creu Sant Pau Inst d, Barcelona, Spain
ISSN: 16642392

Frontiers in Endocrinology
Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 12 Número:
WOS Id: 000759638700001
ID de PubMed: 35173682
imagen Green Published, gold, Gold, Green