Safinamide in the treatment pathway of Parkinson's Disease: a European Delphi Consensus

Por: Stocchi, F, Antonini, A, Berg, D, Bergmans, B, Jost, W, Katzenschlager, R, Kulisevsky, J, Odin, P, Valldeoriola, F, Chaudhuri, KR

Publicada: 21 feb 2022 Ahead of Print: 21 feb 2022
Safinamide is a highly selective, reversible MAO B-inhibitor recently marketed in European and North American countries. To better define clinical indications regarding motor and non-motor symptoms, targeted population and safety of this compound, ten movement disorders specialists, experts in their field, convened and developed a panel of statements on: the role of glutamate in Parkinson's disease, introduction to fluctuations, efficacy of safinamide on motor symptoms, motor complications and non-motor symptoms, quality of life, safety of safinamide and target population for use. Strong consensus was reached for all the statements on the efficacy of safinamide on motor symptoms, motor fluctuations, quality of life and safety. Among non-motor symptoms, a positive consensus was reached for the symptoms sleep/fatigue, mood, and pain while there was a lack of consensus for the statements regarding the efficacy of safinamide in improving cognition, urinary and sexual functions. The statement on orthostatic hypotension obtained a negative consensus. The consistent and large agreement reached in this Delphi panel perfectly reflects the perception of efficacy, safety and tolerability of safinamide as evident from pivotal trials and clinical practice and shows how these findings may guide movement disorders specialists in their clinical therapeutic approach. The impact of non-motor symptoms in PD is considerable, and management remains an unmet need. In this context, the ability of safinamide to impact some non-motor symptoms may represent the most promising and distinctive feature of this compound and deserves further investigations.

Stocchi, F:
 Univ Rome, Dept Neurol, Rome, Italy

 IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana, Rome, Italy

Antonini, A:
 Ctr Rare Neurol Dis ERN RND, Parkinson & Movement Disorders Unit, Ctr Rare Neurol Dis, Tubingen, Germany

 Univ Padua, Dept Neurosci, Padua, Italy

Berg, D:
 Christian Albrechts Univ Kiel, Dept Neurol, UKSH, Campus Kiel, Kiel, Germany

 Hertie Inst Clin Brain Res Tubingen, Dept Neurodegenerat, Tubingen, Germany

Bergmans, B:
 AZ St Jan Brugge Oostende AV, Dept Neurol, Campus Brugge, Brugge, Belgium

 Ghent Univ Hosp, Dept Neurol, Ghent, Belgium

Jost, W:
 Parkinson Klin Ortenau, Wolfach, Germany

Katzenschlager, R:
 Klin Donaustadt, Dept Neurol, Vienna, Austria

 Klin Donaustadt, Karl Landsteiner Inst Neuroimmunol & Neurodegener, Vienna, Austria

Kulisevsky, J:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Neurol Dept, Movement Disorders Unit, Barcelona, Spain

 Autonomous Univ Barcelona, Dept Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Ctr Invest Red Enfermedades Neurodegenerat CIBERN, Madrid, Spain

Odin, P:
 Lund Univ, Dept Clin Sci Lund, Div Neurol, Lund, Sweden

Valldeoriola, F:
 Univ Barcelona, Inst Neurosci, Barcelona 537114, Catalunya, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi & Sunyer, Barcelona 146245, Catalunya, Spain

 Ctr Invest Biomed Red Enfermedades Neurodegenerat, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Movement Disorders Unit, Neurol Serv, Barcelona 16493, Catalunya, Spain

Chaudhuri, KR:
 Kings Coll Hosp London, Parkinson Fdn Ctr Excellence, London, England

 Kings Coll London, London, England
ISSN: 23738057
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 8 Número: 1
Páginas: 17-17
WOS Id: 000758762300001
ID de PubMed: 35190544
imagen gold, Green Published, Gold, Green