Questions and health outcomes prioritization for the development of a COVID-19 dental clinical practice guideline: A case study

Por: Zaror, C, Deana, NF, Espinoza-Espinoza, G, Aravena-Rivas, Y, Munoz-Millan, P, Pineda, P, Burdiles, P, Nahuelhual, P, Canelo-Aybar, C, Alonso-Coello, P

Publicada: 1 jun 2022 Ahead of Print: 1 ene 2022
Rationale, Aims and Objectives In the context of a pandemic, the rapid development of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) is critical. The guideline development process includes prioritization of the guideline topic, questions and health outcomes. This case study describes the application of a new methodology to prioritize questions and rate the importance of health outcomes for a COVID-19 dental guideline. Methods Panel members rated the topic and the questions' overall importance, using a 9-point scale (1 = least important; 9 = most important). In addition, they rated six criteria if multiple questions received the same overall importance rating: common in practice, uncertainty in practice, variation in practice, new evidence available, cost consequences, not previously addressed. Panellists also rated the importance of each outcome, defined with health outcome descriptors, using a 9-point scale and the utility of health outcomes on a visual analogue scale. The correlation between each criterion and overall question importance was tested by Spearman correlation coefficient. Results Of seven topics, four were rated as high priority and three were rated as important, but not of high priority. Thirty-six percent of the questions (18/50) were rated as high priority to address in the guideline and 64% (32/50) were rated as an important question but not of high priority. Of the 11 outcomes, 72.7% were rated as critical for decision making. The mean utility rating was 0.57 (SD 0.32), with a minimum mean rating of 0.16 and a maximum of 0.76 (SD 0.23). Conclusion This case study demonstrated that this approach provides a rigorous and transparent methodology to conduct the prioritizations of guideline topics, questions and health outcomes.

Zaror, C:
 Univ La Frontera, Dept Pediat Dent & Orthodont, Fac Dent, Manuel Montt 112, Temuco, Chile

 Univ La Frontera, Fac Dent, Ctr Res Epidemiol Econ & Oral Publ Hlth CIEESPO, Temuco, Chile

Deana, NF:
 Univ La Frontera, Dept Pediat Dent & Orthodont, Fac Dent, Manuel Montt 112, Temuco, Chile

 Univ La Frontera, Fac Dent, Ctr Res Epidemiol Econ & Oral Publ Hlth CIEESPO, Temuco, Chile

Espinoza-Espinoza, G:
 Univ La Frontera, Fac Dent, Ctr Res Epidemiol Econ & Oral Publ Hlth CIEESPO, Temuco, Chile

 Univ La Frontera, Fac Med, Dept Publ Hlth, Temuco, Chile

Aravena-Rivas, Y:
 Univ La Frontera, Fac Dent, Ctr Res Epidemiol Econ & Oral Publ Hlth CIEESPO, Temuco, Chile

Munoz-Millan, P:
 Univ La Frontera, Dept Pediat Dent & Orthodont, Fac Dent, Manuel Montt 112, Temuco, Chile

 Univ La Frontera, Fac Dent, Ctr Res Epidemiol Econ & Oral Publ Hlth CIEESPO, Temuco, Chile

Pineda, P:
 Univ La Frontera, Dept Pediat Dent & Orthodont, Fac Dent, Manuel Montt 112, Temuco, Chile

 Univ La Frontera, Fac Dent, Ctr Res Epidemiol Econ & Oral Publ Hlth CIEESPO, Temuco, Chile

Burdiles, P:
 Minist Salud, Dept Evaluac Tecnol Sanitarias & Salud Basada Evi, Santiago, Chile

 Univ Andres Bello, Escuela Obstet, Santiago, Chile

Nahuelhual, P:
 Minist Salud, Dept Evaluac Tecnol Sanitarias & Salud Basada Evi, Santiago, Chile

 Univ Desarrollo, Fac Med Clin Alemana, Santiago, Chile

Canelo-Aybar, C:
 IIB St Pau, Biomed Res Inst St Pau, Iberoamer Cochrane Ctr, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain

Alonso-Coello, P:
 IIB St Pau, Biomed Res Inst St Pau, Iberoamer Cochrane Ctr, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain
ISSN: 13561294
WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, Reino Unido
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 28 Número: 3
Páginas: 404-410
WOS Id: 000746849700001
ID de PubMed: 35080284
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