Monitoring social determinants of health

Por: Espelt, A, Continente, X, Domingo-Salvany, A, Dominguez-Berjon, MF, Fernandez-Villa, T, Monge, S, Ruiz-Cantero, MT, Perez, G, Borrell, C

Publicada: 1 nov 2016
Public health surveillance is the systematic and continuous collection, analysis, dissemination and interpretation of health-related data for planning, implementation and evaluation of public health initiatives. Apart from the health system, social determinants of health include the circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work and age, and they go a long way to explaining health inequalities. A surveillance system of the social determinants of health requires a comprehensive and social overview of health. This paper analyses the importance of monitoring social determinants of health and health inequalities, and describes some relevant aspects concerning the implementation of surveillance during the data collection, compilation and analysis phases, as well as dissemination of information and evaluation of the surveillance system. It is important to have indicators from sources designed for this purpose, such as continuous records or periodic surveys, explicitly describing its limitations and strengths. The results should be published periodically in a communicative format that both enhances the public's ability to understand the problems that affect them, whilst at the same time empowering the population, with the ultimate goal of guiding health-related initiatives at different levels of intervention. (C) 2016 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.

Espelt, A:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed St Pau, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBERESP, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Fac Psicol, Dept Psicobiol & Metodol Ciencies Salut, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain

Continente, X:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed St Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Domingo-Salvany, A:
 IMIM Inst Hosp Mar Invest Med, Barcelona, Spain

Dominguez-Berjon, MF:
 Consejeria Sanidad, Direcc Gen Salud Publ, Comunidad De Madrid, Spain

Fernandez-Villa, T:
 Univ Leon, Grp Interacc Gen Ambiente Salud GIIGAS, Leon, Spain

Monge, S:
 Univ Alcala De Henares, Fac Med & Ciencias Salud, Dept Cirugia Ciencias Med & Sociales, Madrid, Spain

Ruiz-Cantero, MT:
 Univ Alicante, Fac Ciencias Sociales, Dept Enfermeria Comunitaria Med Prevent & Salud P, Alicante, Spain

Perez, G:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed St Pau, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBERESP, Madrid, Spain

Borrell, C:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed St Pau, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBERESP, Madrid, Spain
ISSN: 02139111

Gaceta Sanitaria
ELSEVIER, 685 ROUTE 202-206, BRIDGEWATER, NJ 08807 USA, España
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 30 Número:
Páginas: 38-44
WOS Id: 000540332700008
ID de PubMed: 27837795
imagen Gold, Green Published