Magnesium-based interventions for normal kidney function and chronic kidney disease

Por: Massy, ZA, Nistor, I, Apetrii, M, Brandenburg, VM, Bover, J, Evenepoel, P, Goldsmith, D, Mazzaferro, S, Urena-Torres, P, Vervloet, MG, Cozzolino, M, Covic, A

Publicada: 1 dic 2016
Magnesium (Mg) is one of the most important cations in the body, playing an essential role in biological systems as co-factor for more than 300 essential enzymatic reactions. In the general population, low levels of Mg are associated with a high risk of cardio-vascular disease (CVD). Despite the accumulating literature data, the effect of Mg administration on mortality in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients has never been investigated as a primary end-point. We conducted a systematic search of studies assessing the benefits and harms of Mg in CKD (stages 1 to 5 and 5D), and considered all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs evaluating Mg-based interventions in CKD. As a phosphate binder, Mg salts offer a plausible opportunity for doubly favorable effects via reduction of intestinal phosphate absorption and addition of potentially beneficial effects via increasing circulating Mg levels. Mg supplementation might have a favorable effect on vascular calcification, although evidence for this is very slight. Although longitudinal data describe an association between low serum Mg levels and increased total and cardiovascular mortality, in patients with CKD, the existing RCTs reporting the effect of Mg supplementation on mortality failed to demonstrate any favorable effect. As with many other variables that influence hard end-points in nephrology, the role of Mg in CKD patients needs to be investigated in more depth. Additional research that is well-designed and directly targeting the role of Mg is needed as a consequence of limited existing evidence.

Massy, ZA:
 Univ Paris Ouest Versailles St Quentin En Yveline, Ambroise Pare Univ Hosp, Div Nephrol, Boulogne Billancourt Paris, Villejuif, France

 Ctr Rech Epidemiol & Sante Populat CESP, Inserm U 1018, Equipe 5, Villejuif, France

Nistor, I:
 Gr T Popa Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Nephrol, Iasi, Romania

 Ghent Univ Hosp, ERBP, Ghent, Belgium

Apetrii, M:
 Gr T Popa Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Nephrol, Iasi, Romania

Brandenburg, VM:
 RWTH Univ Hosp Aachen, Dept Cardiol & Intens Care Med, Aachen, Germany

Bover, J:
 Fundacio Puigvert, Dept Nephrol, IIB St Pau, REDinREN, Barcelona, Spain

Evenepoel, P:
 Univ Hosp Leuven, Dept Med, Div Nephrol Dialysis & Renal Transplantat, Leuven, Belgium

Goldsmith, D:
 Kings Hlth Partners, AHSC, London, England

Mazzaferro, S:
 Sapienza Univ Rome, Dept Cardiovasc Resp Nephrol & Geriatr Sci, Rome, Italy

Urena-Torres, P:
 Univ Paris 05, Necker Hosp, Dept Nephrol & Dialysis, Clin Landy,Ramsay Gen Sante, Paris, France

 Univ Paris 05, Necker Hosp, Dept Renal Physiol, Paris, France

Vervloet, MG:
 Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Dept Nephrol, Amsterdam, Netherlands

 Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Inst Cardiovasc Res VU, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cozzolino, M:
 Univ Milan, San Paolo Hosp, Div Renal, Dept Hlth Sci, Milan, Italy

Covic, A:
 Gr T Popa Univ Med & Pharm, Dept Nephrol, Iasi, Romania
ISSN: 09531424

Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 29 Número: 4
Páginas: 126-140
WOS Id: 000394038200001
ID de PubMed: 28007671