A strategic reflection for the management and implementation of CAR-T therapy in Spain: an expert consensus paper

Por: Zozaya, N, Villaseca, J, Abdalla, F, Calleja, MA, Diez-Martin, JL, Estevez, J, Garcia-Sanz, R, Martinez-Lopez, J, Sierra, J, Vera, R, Hidalgo-Vega, A

Publicada: 1 jun 2022 Ahead of Print: 1 ene 2022
CAR-T cell therapy represents a therapeutic revolution in the prognosis and treatment of patients with certain types of hematological cancer. However, they also pose new challenges in the healthcare, regulatory and financial fields. The aim of the RET-A project was to undertake a strategic reflection on the management of CAR-T therapies within the Spanish National Health System, to agree on recommendations that will help to better deal with the new context introduced by these cell therapies in the present and in the future. This think tank involved 40 key agents and opinion leaders. The experts identified three great challenges for implementing advanced therapies in Spain: therapeutic individualisation, with a multidisciplinary approach; acceleration of access times, by minimizing bureaucracy; and increase in the number of centers qualified to manage the CAR-T therapies in the NHS. The experts agreed on the ideal criteria for designating those qualified centers. They also agreed on a comprehensive CAR-T care pathway with the timings and roles which would ideally be involved in each part of the process.

Zozaya, N:
 Weber Econ & Salud, Hlth Econ Dept, C Moreto 17,5D, Madrid 28014, Spain

 Univ Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Dept Quantitat Methods Econ & Management, Las Palmas Gran Canaria, Spain

Villaseca, J:
 Weber Econ & Salud, Hlth Econ Dept, C Moreto 17,5D, Madrid 28014, Spain

Abdalla, F:
 Weber Econ & Salud, Hlth Econ Dept, C Moreto 17,5D, Madrid 28014, Spain

Calleja, MA:
 Hosp Univ Virgen Macarena, Dept Pharm, Seville, Spain

Diez-Martin, JL:
 Hosp GU Gregorio Maranon, Dept Hematol, Gregorio Maranon Hlth Res Inst, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Complutense Madrid, Dept Med, Madrid, Spain

Estevez, J:
 Soc Espanola Direct La Salud SEDISA, Spanish Soc Hlth Execut, Madrid, Spain

Garcia-Sanz, R:
 Univ Hosp Salamanca HUS IBSAL, Hematol Serv, CIBERONC, Salamanca, Spain

 Univ Hosp Salamanca HUS IBSAL, Salamanca Canc Res Ctr IBMCC USAL CSIC, Salamanca, Spain

Martinez-Lopez, J:
 Univ Complutense Madrid, Dept Hematol, Hosp Univ 12 Octubre, CNIO,CIBERONC, Madrid, Spain

Sierra, J:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Hematol, Hosp Santa Creu & St Pau, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Hematol, St Pau Biomed Res Inst IIB SP, Barcelona, Spain

Vera, R:
 Navarra Hosp, Med Oncol Serv, Navarra Hosp Complex, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain

Hidalgo-Vega, A:
 Weber Fdn, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Castilla La Mancha, Dept Econ Anal & Finance, Toledo, Spain
ISSN: 1699048X

Clinical & Translational Oncology
Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 24 Número: 6
Páginas: 968-980
WOS Id: 000740217400001
ID de PubMed: 34997475
imagen Green Published, hybrid, Hybrid Gold, Green