Azole resistance survey on clinical Aspergillus fumigatus isolates in Spain

Por: Escribano, P, Rodriguez-Sanchez, B, Diaz-Garcia, J, Martin-Gomez, MT, Ibanez-Martinez, E, Rodriguez-Mayo, M, Pelaez, T, de la Pedrosa, EGG, Tejero-Garcia, R, Marimon, JM, Reigadas, E, Rezusta, A, Labayru-Echeverria, C, Perez-Ayala, A, Ayats, J, Cobo, F, Pazos, C, Lopez-Soria, L, Alastruey-Izquierdo, A, Munoz, P, Guinea, J, Sánchez-Reus F., Hernaez Crespo, Silvia

Publicada: 1 ago 2021 Ahead of Print: 1 ago 2021
Objectives: We aimed to assess the percentage of azole resistance in Aspergillus fumigatus in Spain. Methods: Thirty participating Spanish hospitals stored all morphologically identified A. fumigatus sensu lato clinical isolates-regardless their clinical significance-from 15 February to 14 May 2019. Isolates showing azole resistance according to the EUCAST 9.3.2 methodology were molecularly identified and the cyp51A gene was studied in A. fumigatus sensu stricto isolates. Results: Eight hundred and forty-seven isolates from 725 patients were collected in 29 hospitals (A. fumigatus sensu stricto (n = 828) and cryptic species (n = 19)). Isolates were mostly from the lower respiratory tract (94.0%; 797/847). Only cryptic species were amphotericin B resistant. Sixty-three (7.4%) out of the 847 isolates were resistant to >= 1 azole(s). Azole resistance was higher in cryptic species than in A. fumigatus sensu stricto (95%, 18/19 vs. 5.5%, 45/828); isavuconazole was associated to the lowest number of non-wild type isolates. The dominant mechanism of resistance was the presence of TR34 -L98H substitutions (n = 24 out of 63). Out of the 725 patients, 48 (6.6%) carried either cryptic species (n = 14) or A. fumigatus sensu stricto (n = 34; 4.7%) resistant isolates. Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto harbouring either the TR34 -L98H (n = 19) or TR46 /Y121F/T289A (n = 1) mutations were detected in patients in hospitals located at 7/24 studied cities. Discussion: Of the patients, 6.6% carry azole-resistant A. fumigatus sensu lato isolates in Spain. TR34-L98H is the dominant cyp51A gene substitutions, although its presence is not widespread. (C) 2020 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Escribano, P:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain

Rodriguez-Sanchez, B:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain

 CIBER Enfermedades Resp CIBERES CB06 06 0058, Madrid, Spain

Diaz-Garcia, J:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain

Martin-Gomez, MT:
 Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, Serv Microbiol, Barcelona, Spain

Ibanez-Martinez, E:
 Inst Invest Sanitaria La Fe, Valencia, Spain

Rodriguez-Mayo, M:
 Complejo Hosp Univ A Coruna, Serv Microbiol Clin, La Coruna, Spain

Pelaez, T:
 Hosp Univ Cent Asturias, Serv Microbiol, Oviedo, Spain

 Fdn Invest & Innovat Biosanitaria Principado Astu, Oviedo, Spain

de la Pedrosa, EGG:
 Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Ramon y Cajal Invest Sanitaria, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Madrid, Spain

Tejero-Garcia, R:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Madrid, Spain

 Hosp Univ Reina Sofia, Serv Microbiol Clin, Cordoba, Spain

 Inst Maimonides Invest Biomed, Cordoba, Spain

Marimon, JM:
 Donostialdea Integrated Hlth Org, Microbiol Dept, Resp Infect & Antimicrobial Resistance Grp, Biodonostia Infect Dis Area, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain

Reigadas, E:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain

Rezusta, A:
 Hosp Univ Miguel Servet, Serv Microbiol, Zaragoza, Spain

 Hosp Univ Burgos, Inst Invest Sanitaria Aragon, Burgos, Spain

Labayru-Echeverria, C:
 Hosp Univ Burgos, Lab Microbiol, Burgos, Spain

Perez-Ayala, A:
 Hosp 12 Octubre, Serv Microbiol, Madrid, Spain

 Hosp 12 Octubre, Inst Invest, Madrid, Spain

Ayats, J:
 CIBER Enfermedades Resp CIBERES CB06 06 0058, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, IDIBELL, Hosp Univ Bellvitge, Microbiol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

Cobo, F:
 Inst Invest Biosanitaria IBS, Granada, Spain

 Univ Hosp Virgen de las Nieves, Granada, Spain

Pazos, C:
 Complejo Hosp Univ Caceres, Serv Microbiol Clin, Caceres, Spain

Lopez-Soria, L:
 Hosp Univ Cruces, Serv Microbiol, Baracaldo, Spain

 Inst Invest Sanitaria Biocruces Bizkaia, Baracaldo, Spain

Alastruey-Izquierdo, A:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Red Espanola Invest Patol Infecciosa REIPI, Madrid, Spain

 Natl Ctr Microbiol ISCIII, Mycol Reference Lab, Madrid, Spain

Munoz, P:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain

 CIBER Enfermedades Resp CIBERES CB06 06 0058, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Complutense Madrid, Fac Med, Med Dept, Madrid, Spain

Guinea, J:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis, Madrid, Spain

 Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain

 CIBER Enfermedades Resp CIBERES CB06 06 0058, Madrid, Spain

Sánchez-Reus F.:
 Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Hernaez Crespo, Silvia:
 Hospital de Txagorritxu, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
ISSN: 1198743X

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 27 Número: 8
WOS Id: 000683532300022
ID de PubMed: 33010446
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