Functional Examination of the Upper and Lower Airways in Asthma and Respiratory Allergic Diseases: Considerations in the Post-SARS-CoV-2 Era
Olaguibel, JM, Alobid, I, Puebla, A, Crespo-Lessmann, A, Ortega, D, Garcia-Rio, F, Izquierdo-Dominguez, A, Mullol, J, Plaza, V, Quirce, S, Rojas-Lechuga, MJ, Valvere-Monge, M, Sastre, J
1 ene 2021
Airway examination procedures can potentially transmit infectious diseases to patients and to the health care professionals who perform them via various mechanisms. The COVID-19 pandemic has halted most of the activity of the clinics and laboratories involved in assessment of lung and nasal function, and clear recommendations in this regard have been made. Today, we still do not know for sure what its consequences will be in the short or long term, since important gaps remain in our knowledge of aspects as fundamental as virus transmission mechanisms, pathophysiology, immune response, and diagnosis.
In this review, we study the examination techniques used to assess patients with respiratory allergy, asthma, and associated diseases during this period and highlight their possible advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, we focus on exploring the entire upper and lower airways, from the perspective of the safety of both health professionals and patients and their specific characteristics. We also analyze the intrinsic value of these interventions in terms of diagnosis and patient management.
The changing situation of COVID-19 may mean that some of the assertions presented in this review will have to be modified in the future. While we seek to ensure a consistently broad approach, some differences in operational details may apply owing to local regulations.
Olaguibel, JM:
Complejo Hosp Navarra, Dept Allergy, Pamplona, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Alobid, I:
Ctr Med Teknon, Unidad Alergo Rino, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin Barcelona, Serv Otorinolaringol, Unitat Rinol & Clin Olfacte, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Barcelona, IDIBAPS, Immunoalergia Resp Clin & Expt, Barcelona, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Puebla, A:
Complejo Hosp Navarra, Dept Allergy, Pamplona, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Crespo-Lessmann, A:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Resp Med, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Med, Inst Invest Biomed St Pau IIB St Pau, Barcelona, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Ortega, D:
Hosp Univ La Paz IdiPAZ, Dept Allergy, Madrid, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Garcia-Rio, F:
Hosp Univ La Paz IdiPAZ, Dept Respiratry Med, Madrid, Spain
Univ Autonoma Madrid, Fac Med, Dept Med, Madrid, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Izquierdo-Dominguez, A:
Ctr Med Teknon, Unidad Alergo Rino, Barcelona, Spain
Consorci Sanitari Terrassa, Dept Allergy, Barcelona, Spain
Clin Diagonal, Barcelona, Spain
Mullol, J:
Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin Barcelona, Serv Otorinolaringol, Unitat Rinol & Clin Olfacte, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Barcelona, IDIBAPS, Immunoalergia Resp Clin & Expt, Barcelona, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Plaza, V:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Resp Med, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Med, Inst Invest Biomed St Pau IIB St Pau, Barcelona, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Quirce, S:
Hosp Univ La Paz IdiPAZ, Dept Allergy, Madrid, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain
Rojas-Lechuga, MJ:
Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin Barcelona, Serv Otorinolaringol, Unitat Rinol & Clin Olfacte, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Barcelona, IDIBAPS, Immunoalergia Resp Clin & Expt, Barcelona, Spain
Valvere-Monge, M:
Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Dept Allergy, Madrid, Spain
Sastre, J:
Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Dept Allergy, Madrid, Spain
CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias CIBERES, Madrid, Spain