Expert consensus on peri-operative myocardial injury screening in noncardiac surgery A literature review
Puelacher, C, Pinto, BB, Mills, NL, Duceppe, E, Popova, E, Duma, A, Nagele, P, Omland, T, Hammerer-Lercher, A, Buse, GL
1 jun 2021
Peri-operative myocardial injury, detected by dynamic and elevated cardiac troponin (cTn) concentrations, is a common complication of noncardiac surgery that is strongly associated with 30-day mortality. Although active screening for peri-operative myocardial injury has been suggested in recent guidelines, clinical implementation remains tentative due to a lack of examples on how to tackle such an interdisciplinary project at a local level. Moreover, consensus on which assay and cTn cut-off values should be used has not yet been reached, and guidance on whom to screen is lacking. In this article, we aim to summarise local examples of successfully implemented cTn screening practices and review the current literature in order to provide information and suggestions for patient selection, organisation of a screening programme, caveats and a potential management pathway.
Puelacher, C:
Univ Basel, Univ Hosp Basel, Dept Cardiol, Basel, Switzerland
Univ Basel, Univ Hosp Basel, Cardiovasc Res Inst Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Univ Basel, Univ Hosp Basel, Dept Internal Med, Basel, Switzerland
Univ Hosp Geneva, Dept Anaesthesiol Pharmacol Intens Care & Emergen, Div Anaesthesiol, Geneva, Switzerland
Pinto, BB:
Univ Hosp Geneva, Dept Anaesthesiol Pharmacol Intens Care & Emergen, Div Anaesthesiol, Geneva, Switzerland
Univ Edinburgh, Geneva Perioperat Basic Translat & Clin Res Grp, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Mills, NL:
Univ Edinburgh, BHF Ctr Cardiovasc Sci, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Univ Edinburgh, Usher Inst, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Duceppe, E:
Ctr Hosp Univ Montreal, Dept Med, Montreal, PQ, Canada
Popova, E:
Biomed Res Inst IIB St Pau, Iberoamer Cochrane Ctr, Barcelona, Spain
Duma, A:
Med Univ Vienna, Dept Anaesthesiol & Intens Care, Vienna, Austria
Nagele, P:
Univ Chicago, Dept Anesthesia, Chicago, IL 60637 USA
Univ Chicago, Dept Crit Care, Chicago, IL 60637 USA
Omland, T:
Akershus Univ Hosp, Div Med, Dept Cardiol, Oslo, Norway
Univ Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Hammerer-Lercher, A:
Cty Hosp Aarau, Inst Lab Med, Aarau, Switzerland
Buse, GL:
Univ Hosp Dusseldorf, Dept Anaesthesiol, Dusseldorf, Germany