The experience of Catalonia measuring nurse-sensitive indicators: Trends study 2012-2018
Garcia-Altes, A, Subirana-Casacuberta, M, Llorens, D, Bullich, I, Brugues, A, Teixidor, M, Cuxart, N, Esteve, M, Estrem, M
1 oct 2021
Ahead of Print:
1 may 2021
Aim To describe nursing-sensitive indicators measured in Catalonia.
Background In Catalonia, since 2012, under the umbrella of the Results Centre, outcomes of every health care setting have been published and made open to health care professionals and citizens.
Methods Trends study of nursing-sensitive indicators was based on data collected systematically from each setting from 2012 to 2018. Percentages and rates were calculated for each of 14 indicators analysed from all primary care, hospitals and long-term care centres.
Results Percentage of population aged 60 years or older correctly vaccinated against flu has been decreasing, while percentage of population aged 14 years or under with correct vaccine status is high (over 91%) and has remained stable over time. Mortality in patients who have developed complications has increased, from 27.1% in 2012 to 34.0% in 2017. Most centres achieved functional improvements during the first 30 days of admission.
Conclusions Among all indicators measured in primary care, hospital and long-term care, only 14 analysed are nursing-sensitive; no nursing-sensitive indicators regarding mental health are measured.
Implications for Nursing Management Research focused on development of nursing-sensitive indicators offers an opportunity to measure and benchmark nurses' quality of care and their contribution in achieving populations' health improvement and health care system sustainability.
Garcia-Altes, A:
Generalitat Catalunya, Agencia Qualitat & Avaluacio Sanitaries Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
CIBER Epidemiol & Salud Publ CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain
Inst Invest Biomed IIB St Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Subirana-Casacuberta, M:
Generalitat Catalunya, Agencia Qualitat & Avaluacio Sanitaries Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Inst Invest & Innovacio Parc Tauli I3PT, Parc Tauli Hosp Univ, Nursing Dept, Sabadell, Spain
Univ Vic Cent Univ Catalonia UVIC UCC, Ctr Hlth & Social Care Res CESS, Models & Outcomes Hlth & Social Sci M3O, Fsssaculty Hlth Sci & Welf,Res Grp Methodol, Vic, Spain
Llorens, D:
Consell Col Legis Infermeres & Infermers Cataluny, Barcelona, Spain
Bullich, I:
Univ Vic Cent Univ Catalonia UVIC UCC, Grp Recerca Cronicitat Catalunya Cent C3RG, Ctr Hlth & Social Care Res CESS, Fac Hlth Sci & Welf, Vic, Spain
Brugues, A:
Avinguda Ciutat Malaga, Consorci Castelldefels Agents Salut CASAP, Castelldefels, Spain
Teixidor, M:
Fdn Infermeria & Soc, Amer Acad Nursing, Barcelona, Spain
Cuxart, N:
Consell Col Legis Infermeres & Infermers Cataluny, Barcelona, Spain
Esteve, M:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Estrem, M:
Unio Catalana Hosp, Barcelona, Spain