Osteopathy: Italian professional profile. A professional commentary by a group of experts of the European community of practice

Por: Cerritelli, F, Lunghi, C, Esteves, JE, Vaucher, P, van Dun, PLS, Alvarez, G, Biberschick, M, Wagner, A, Merdy, O, Menard, M, Tavernier, P, Clouzeau, C, Risch, A, Ruffini, N, Nunes, A, Santiago, R, Marett, P, Grech, R, Thomson, OP

Publicada: 1 jun 2021 Ahead of Print: 1 jul 2021
Osteopathy became recently regulated as a healthcare profession in Italy. The Italian legislation classifies osteopathy as a healthcare profession, which focuses on health prevention and maintenance with a role in rehabilitation and functional psychosocial recovery. The legislative framework also lays down the osteopathic professional profile. Osteopaths are described as healthcare practitioners who deliver osteopathic personcentered care focused on the musculoskeletal system and the concept of somatic dysfunction. Despite these positive developments in the legislation for osteopathy, the Italian law raises critical points regarding the validity of osteopathic care models, namely the concept of somatic dysfunction and the role of osteopaths in health promotion and prevention. The legislative developments currently occurring worldwide must be informed by a critical appraisal of osteopathic conceptual models and grounded on robust research. In the article, a panel of European osteopaths involved in clinical and academic practice, research and regulation, present this professional commentary to facilitate a critical discussion on the role, competencies and scope of practice of osteopaths in the light of the recently published Italian osteopathic professional profile.

Cerritelli, F:
 Fdn COME Collaborat, Clin Based Human Res Dept, Pescara, Italy

Lunghi, C:
 Fdn COME Collaborat, Italian Natl Ctr, Pescara, Italy

 Malta ICOM Educ, 95,St Georges Beach Complex,San Gorg St,STJ001, San Gilijan, Malta

Esteves, JE:
 Fdn COME Collaborat, Clin Based Human Res Dept, Pescara, Italy

 Malta ICOM Educ, 95,St Georges Beach Complex,San Gorg St,STJ001, San Gilijan, Malta

Vaucher, P:
 Univ Appl Sci & Arts Western Switzerland, HES SO, Fribourg, Switzerland

 Switzerland Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Fribourg, Switzerland

van Dun, PLS:
 Belgium Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Mechelen, Belgium

 Commiss Osteopath Res Practice & Promot Vzw CORPP, Kon Astridlaan 148-002, B-2800 Mechelen, Belgium

Alvarez, G:
 Spain Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Barcelona, Spain

 Iberoamer Cochrane Ctr, Biomed Res Inst Sant Pau IIB Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Biberschick, M:
 Austria Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Osterreich, Austria

Wagner, A:
 France Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Paris, France

Merdy, O:
 France Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Paris, France

Menard, M:
 France Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Paris, France

Tavernier, P:
 France Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Paris, France

Clouzeau, C:
 France Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Paris, France

Risch, A:
 Germany Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Berlin, Germany

Ruffini, N:
 Germany Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Berlin, Germany

Nunes, A:
 Portugal Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Lisbon, Portugal

Santiago, R:
 Portugal Natl Ctr, Fdn COME Collaborat, Lisbon, Portugal

Marett, P:
 Malta Assoc Osteopaths, Taxbiex, Malta

Grech, R:
 Malta Assoc Osteopaths, Taxbiex, Malta

Thomson, OP:
 Univ Coll Osteopathy, Res Ctr, 275 Borough High St, London SE1 1JE, England
ISSN: 17460689

International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 40 Número:
Páginas: 22-28
WOS Id: 000674427200004