Immune Dysregulation and the Increased Risk of Complications and Mortality Following Respiratory Tract Infections in Adults With Down Syndrome
Illouz, T, Biragyn, A, Iulita, MF, Flores-Aguilar, L, Dierssen, M, De Toma, I, Antonarakis, SE, Yu, E, Herault, Y, Potier, MC, Botte, A, Roper, R, Sredni, B, London, J, Mobley, W, Strydom, A, Okun, E, T21RS COVID-19 Initiative
25 jun 2021
The risk of severe outcomes following respiratory tract infections is significantly increased in individuals over 60 years, especially in those with chronic medical conditions, i.e., hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer. Down Syndrome (DS), the most prevalent intellectual disability, is caused by trisomy-21 in similar to 1:750 live births worldwide. Over the past few decades, a substantial body of evidence has accumulated, pointing at the occurrence of alterations, impairments, and subsequently dysfunction of the various components of the immune system in individuals with DS. This associates with increased vulnerability to respiratory tract infections in this population, such as the influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), and bacterial pneumonias. To emphasize this link, here we comprehensively review the immunobiology of DS and its contribution to higher susceptibility to severe illness and mortality from respiratory tract infections.
Illouz, T:
Bar Ilan Univ, Leslie & Susan Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Res, Ramat Gan, Israel
Bar Ilan Univ, Paul Feder Lab Alzheimer S Dis Res, Ramat Gan, Israel
Biragyn, A:
NIA, Lab Mol Biol & Immunol, NIH, Baltimore, MD USA
Iulita, MF:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Neurol, St Pau Memory Unit, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Aut Noma Barcelona, Biomed Res Inst St Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Ctr Biomed Invest Network Neurodegenerat Dis CIBE, Madrid, Spain
Flores-Aguilar, L:
McGill Univ, Dept Anat & Cell Biol, Montreal, PQ, Canada
Dierssen, M:
Barcelona Inst Sci & Technol, Ctr Genom Regulat, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Biomed Res Networking Ctr Rare Dis CIBERER, Barcelona, Spain
De Toma, I:
Barcelona Inst Sci & Technol, Ctr Genom Regulat, Barcelona, Spain
Univ Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Biomed Res Networking Ctr Rare Dis CIBERER, Barcelona, Spain
Antonarakis, SE:
Univ Geneva, Dept Genet Med & Dev, Geneva, Switzerland
Swiss Inst Genom Med, Medigenome, Geneva, Switzerland
iGE3 Inst Genet & Genom Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Yu, E:
Roswell Pk Comprehens Canc Ctr, Childrens Guild Fdn, Genet & Genom Program, Syndrome Res Program, Buffalo, NY USA
Roswell Pk Comprehens Canc Ctr, Dept Canc Genet & Genom, Buffalo, NY USA
SUNY Buffalo, Genet Genom & Bioinformat Program, Buffalo, NY USA
Herault, Y:
Univ Strasbourg, Inst Genet Biol Mol & Cellulaire, IGBMC UMR Insem 01258 7104, CNRS,INSERM, Illkirch Graffenstaden, France
Potier, MC:
Sorbonne Univ, Hop Pitie Salpetriere, Paris Brain Inst ICM, CNRS UMR7225,INSERM U1127, Paris, France
Botte, A:
Sorbonne Univ, Hop Pitie Salpetriere, Paris Brain Inst ICM, CNRS UMR7225,INSERM U1127, Paris, France
Roper, R:
Indiana Univ Purdue Univ, Dept Biol, Indianapolis, IN 46205 USA
Sredni, B:
Bar Ilan Univ, Mina & Everard Goodman Fac Life Sci, Ramat Gan, Israel
London, J:
Univ Paris, BFA, CNRS, UMR 8251, Paris, France
Mobley, W:
Univ Calif San Diego, Dept Neurosci, San Diego, CA 92103 USA
Strydom, A:
Kings Coll London, Inst Psychiat Psychol & Neurosci, Dept Forens & Neurodev Sci, London, England
South London & Maudsley NHS Fdn Trust, London, England
Okun, E:
Bar Ilan Univ, Leslie & Susan Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Res, Ramat Gan, Israel
Bar Ilan Univ, Paul Feder Lab Alzheimer S Dis Res, Ramat Gan, Israel
Bar Ilan Univ, Mina & Everard Goodman Fac Life Sci, Ramat Gan, Israel
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