Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tuberculosis management in Spain

Por: Aznar, ML, Espinosa-Pereiro, J, Saborit, N, Jove, N, Martinez, FS, Perez-Recio, S, Vitoria, A, Sanjoaquin, I, Gallardo, E, Llenas-Garcia, J, Pomar, V, Garcia, IO, Cacho, J, Freitas, LGD, San Martin, JV, Rodriguez, JFG, Jimenez-Fuentes, MA, De Souza-Galvao, ML, Tortola, T, Zules, R, Molina, I, Sanchez-Montalva, A

Publicada: 1 jul 2021 Ahead of Print: 1 jun 2021
Background: The impact of COVID-19 on the diagnosis and management of tuberculosis (TB) patients is unknown. Methods: Participating centres completed a structured web-based survey regarding changes to TB patient management during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study also included data from participating centres on patients aged >18 diagnosed with TB in 2 periods: March 15 to June 30, 2020 and March 15 to June 30, 2019. Clinical variables and information about patient household contacts were retrospectively collected. Results: A total of 7 (70%) TB units reported changes in their usual TB team operations. Across both periods of study, 169 patients were diagnosed with active TB (90 in 2019, 79 in 2020). Patients diagnosed in 2020 showed more frequent bilateral lesions in chest X-ray than patients diagnosed in 2019 (P = 0.004). There was a higher percentage of latent TB infection and active TB among children in households of patients diagnosed in 2020, compared with 2019 (P = 0.001). Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused substantial changes in TB care. TB patients diagnosed during the COVID-19 pandemic showed more extended pulmonary forms. The increase in latent TB infection and active TB in children of patient households could reflect increased household transmission due to anti-COVID-19 measures. (c) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Aznar, ML:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Infect Dis Dept, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Spanish Soc Infect Dis & Clin Microbiol SEIMC, Mycobacteria Infect Study Grp GEIM, Spanish Acronym, Barcelona, Spain

Espinosa-Pereiro, J:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Infect Dis Dept, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Saborit, N:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Infect Dis Dept, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Jove, N:
 Hosp Mar, Unitat Clin TB, Barcelona, Spain

Martinez, FS:
 Hosp Mar, Unitat Clin TB, Barcelona, Spain

Perez-Recio, S:
 Univ Barcelona, Bellvitge Univ Hosp, Bellvitge Biomed Res Inst IDIBELL, Infect Dis Serv,TB Unit, Lhospitalet De Llobregat, Spain

Vitoria, A:
 Hosp Clin Univ Lozano Blesa, Microbiol Dept, Zaragoza, Spain

Sanjoaquin, I:
 Hosp Clin Univ Lozano Blesa, Infect Dis Dept, Zaragoza, Spain

Gallardo, E:
 Hosp Vega Baja FISABIO Orihuela, Internal Med Dept, Alicante, Spain

 Miguel Hernandez Univ, Clin Med Dept, Alicante, Spain

Llenas-Garcia, J:
 Hosp Vega Baja FISABIO Orihuela, Internal Med Dept, Alicante, Spain

 Miguel Hernandez Univ, Clin Med Dept, Alicante, Spain

Pomar, V:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Inst Recerca, Infect Dis Unit, Av St Antoni Ma Claret 167, Barcelona 08025, Spain

Garcia, IO:
 Hosp Univ Canarias, Microbiol & Infect Control Dept, Tenerife, Spain

Cacho, J:
 Univ Europea Madrid, Hosp Univ Getafe, Dept Clin, Microbiol Dept,Fac Ciencias Biomed, Madrid, Spain

Freitas, LGD:
 Hosp El Bierzo Ponferrada, Microbiol Dept, Leon, Spain

San Martin, JV:
 Hosp Univ Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain

Rodriguez, JFG:
 Complexo Hosp Univ Ferrol, Infect Dis Unit, Ferrol, Spain

Jimenez-Fuentes, MA:
 Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Pneumol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

De Souza-Galvao, ML:
 Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Pneumol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

Tortola, T:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Microbiol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

Zules, R:
 Univ Hosp Vall dHebron, Prevent Med & Epidemiol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

Molina, I:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Infect Dis Dept, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Sanchez-Montalva, A:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Vall dHebron Univ Hosp, Infect Dis Dept, PROSICS Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Spanish Soc Infect Dis & Clin Microbiol SEIMC, Mycobacteria Infect Study Grp GEIM, Spanish Acronym, Barcelona, Spain
ISSN: 12019712
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 108 Número:
Páginas: 300-305
WOS Id: 000677647400005
ID de PubMed: 33930543
imagen gold, Green Published