Efficacy of Dupilumab in Atopic Dermatitis: The Patient's Perspective
de Bruin-Weller, M, Merola, JF, Hong, CH, Baldrich, ES, Ettler, K, Sierka, D, Delevry, D, Chen, Z, Rossi, AB
1 dic 2021
Ahead of Print:
1 nov 2021
Introduction: Atopic dermatitis (AD), a predominantly type 2 inflammatory skin disease, affects approximately 2-5% of adults, with a high burden of disease. In moderate-to-severe AD, lesions can be extensive and pruritus intense with patients experiencing skin pain, sleep and mental health disturbances, and diminished quality of life (QoL).
Methods: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of dupilumab for the treatment of AD from the patients' perspective using patient-reported outcome data from four clinical trials (CHRONOS, SOLO 1&2, and CAFE) in patients (N = 1553) receiving either the approved 300 mg q2w dupilumab with/without topical corticosteroids (TCS) dose or control (placebo or placebo + TCS). Patient Global Assessment of Disease Status (PGADS) was used to measure patients' well-being and Patient Global Assessment of Treatment Effect (PGATE) was used to measure treatment efficacy. Patients were asked "Considering all the ways in which your eczema affects you, indicate how well you are doing" to assess their perception of well-being and "How would you rate the way your eczema responded to the study medication?" to assess their perception of treatment effect. Possible responses for both metrics included poor, fair, good, very good, and excellent.
Results: In all four studies, a significantly higher proportion of dupilumab-treated patients reported "Good"/"Very Good"/"Excellent" disease status from week 2 through study end versus control (CHRONOS, 52 weeks: 69.8% vs. 25.1%; SOLO 1&2, 16 weeks: 59.5% vs. 24.6%; CAFE, 16 weeks: 84.1% vs. 45.4%; all P < 0.0001), and significantly more dupilumab-treated patients reported "Good"/"Very Good"/"Excellent" treatment efficacy versus control (CHRONOS: 72.6% vs. 24.8%; SOLO 1&2: 65.0% vs. 21.1%; CAFE, 16 weeks: 85.0% vs. 36.1%; all P < 0.0001).
Conclusion: Adult patients with AD perceived that dupilumab with/without concomitant TCS was highly efficacious and improved overall disease status and well-being as early as week 2 and throughout treatment periods up to 1 year.
de Bruin-Weller, M:
Univ Med Ctr, Natl Expertise Ctr Atop Dermatitis, Dept Dermatol & Allergol, Utrecht, Netherlands
Merola, JF:
Harvard Med Sch, Brigham & Womens Hosp, Boston, MA 02115 USA
Hong, CH:
Univ British Columbia, Dept Dermatol & Skin Sci, Surrey, BC, Canada
Prob Med Res, Waterloo, ON, Canada
Baldrich, ES:
Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Hosp St Pau, Barcelona, Spain
Ettler, K:
Univ Hosp Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Sierka, D:
Sanofi Genzyme, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA
Delevry, D:
Regeneron Pharmaceut Inc, Tarrytown, NY USA
Chen, Z:
Regeneron Pharmaceut Inc, Tarrytown, NY USA
Rossi, AB:
Sanofi Genzyme, Cambridge, MA 02142 USA