Head and Neck Cancer: A Review of the Impact of Treatment Delay on Outcome
Coca-Pelaz, A, Takes, RP, Hutcheson, K, Saba, NF, Haigentz, M, Bradford, CR, de Bree, R, Strojan, P, Lund, VJ, Mendenhall, WM, Nixon, IJ, Quer, M, Rinaldo, A, Ferlito, A
1 feb 2018
Delay between the initial symptoms, diagnosis, and the definitive treatment of head and neck cancers is associated with tumor progression and upstaging. These delays may lead to poor outcomes and may mandate more aggressive treatments with unnecessary morbidity and even mortality. The multidisciplinary team approach for the treatment of patients with head and neck cancers has improved organization of standard clinical guidelines, but this development has yet to translate into a demonstrable impact on survival. We review the association between waiting times (time between diagnosis and initiation of treatment) and clinical outcomes in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC).
Coca-Pelaz, A:
Hosp Univ Cent Asturias, Dept Otolaryngol, Oviedo, Spain
Takes, RP:
Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Dept Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg, Med Ctr, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Hutcheson, K:
Univ Texas MD Anderson Canc Ctr, Dept Head & Neck Surg, Sect Speech Pathol & Audiol, Houston, TX 77030 USA
Saba, NF:
Emory Univ, Winship Canc Inst, Dept Hematol & Med Oncol, Atlanta, GA 30322 USA
Haigentz, M:
Atlantic Hlth Syst, Morristown Med Ctr, Dept Med, Div Hematol Oncol, Morristown, NJ USA
Bradford, CR:
Univ Michigan, Dept Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
de Bree, R:
Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, UMC Utrecht Canc Ctr, Dept Head & Neck Surg Oncol, Utrecht, Netherlands
Strojan, P:
Inst Oncol, Dept Radiat Oncol, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lund, VJ:
UCL, Ear Inst, Professorial Unit, London, England
Mendenhall, WM:
Univ Florida, Dept Radiat Oncol, Gainesville, FL USA
Nixon, IJ:
Univ Edinburgh, Dept Surg & Otolaryngol, Head & Neck Surg, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Quer, M:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Otolaryngol, Barcelona, Spain
Rinaldo, A:
Univ Udine, Sch Med, Udine, Italy
Ferlito, A:
Int Head & Neck Sci Grp, Padua, Italy