How to: identify non-tuberculous Mycobacterium species using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Por: Alcaide, F, Amlerova, J, Bou, G, Ceyssens, PJ, Coll, P, Corcoran, D, Fangous, MS, Gonzalez-Alvarez, I, Gorton, R, Greub, G, Hery-Arnaud, G, Hrabak, J, Ingebretsen, A, Lucey, B, Marekovic, I, Mediavilla-Gradolph, C, Monte, MR, O'Connor, J, O'Mahony, J, Opota, O, O'Reilly, B, Orth-Holler, D, Oviano, M, Palacios, JJ, Palop, B, Pranada, AB, Quiroga, L, Rodriguez-Temporal, D, Ruiz-Serrano, MJ, Tudo, G, Van den Bossche, A, van Ingen, J, Rodriguez-Sanchez, B, European Study Grp Genomics Mol

Publicada: 1 jun 2018
Background: The implementation of MALDI-TOF MS for microorganism identification has changed the routine of the microbiology laboratories as we knew it. Most microorganisms can now be reliably identified within minutes using this inexpensive, user-friendly methodology. However, its application in the identification of mycobacteria isolates has been hampered by the structure of their cell wall. Improvements in the sample processing method and in the available database have proved key factors for the rapid and reliable identification of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolates using MALDI-TOF MS. Aims: The main objective is to provide information about the proceedings for the identification of non-tuberculous isolates using MALDI-TOF MS and to review different sample processing methods, available databases, and the interpretation of the results. Sources: Results from relevant studies on the use of the available MALDI-TOF MS instruments, the implementation of innovative sample processing methods, or the implementation of improved databases are discussed. Content: Insight about the methodology required for reliable identification of non-tuberculous mycobacteria and its implementation in the microbiology laboratory routine is provided. (C) 2017 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Alcaide, F:
 Hosp Univ Bellvitge IDIBELL, Serv Microbiol, Barcelona, Spain

Amlerova, J:
 Fac Med Plzen, Biomed Ctr, Plzen, Czech Republic

Bou, G:
 Hosp Univ A Coruna, Serv Microbiol, La Coruna, Spain

Ceyssens, PJ:
 Sci Inst Publ Hlth, Div Bacterial Dis, Brussels, Belgium

Coll, P:
 Hosp St Pau i Santa Creu, Serv Microbiol, Barcelona, Spain

Corcoran, D:
 Cork Univ Hosp, Lab Med, Diagnost Directorate, Cork, Ireland

Fangous, MS:
 Hop Cavale Blanche, Plateforme Biol, Lab Bacteriol, Brest, France

Gonzalez-Alvarez, I:
 Hosp Univ Cent Asturias, Serv Microbiol, Unidad Referencia Reg Micobacterias, Oviedo, Spain

Gorton, R:
 Hlth Serv Labs, London, England

Greub, G:
 Univ Lausanne, Inst Microbiol, Lausanne, Switzerland

 European Study Grp Genom & Mol Diag ESGMD, Basel, Switzerland

Hery-Arnaud, G:
 Hop Cavale Blanche, Plateforme Biol, Lab Bacteriol, Brest, France

Hrabak, J:
 Fac Med Plzen, Biomed Ctr, Plzen, Czech Republic

Ingebretsen, A:
 Oslo Univ Hosp, Dept Microbiol, Oslo, Norway

Lucey, B:
 Cork Inst Technol, Dept Biol Sci, Cork, Ireland

Marekovic, I:
 Univ Zagreb, Univ Hosp Ctr Zagreb, Sch Med, Dept Clin & Mol Microbiol, Zagreb, Croatia

Mediavilla-Gradolph, C:
 Hosp Reg Malaga, Lab Microbiol, Malaga, Spain

Monte, MR:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin Barcelona ISGlobal, Dept Fonaments Clin, Lab Microbiol CDB,Fac Med & Ciencies Salut, Barcelona, Spain

O'Connor, J:
 Cork Inst Technol, Dept Biol Sci, Cork, Ireland

O'Mahony, J:
 Cork Inst Technol, Dept Biol Sci, Cork, Ireland

Opota, O:
 Univ Lausanne, Inst Microbiol, Lausanne, Switzerland

O'Reilly, B:
 Cork Univ Hosp, Lab Med, Diagnost Directorate, Cork, Ireland

Orth-Holler, D:
 Med Univ Innsbruck, Div Hyg & Med Microbiol, Innsbruck, Austria

Oviano, M:
 Hosp Univ A Coruna, Serv Microbiol, La Coruna, Spain

Palacios, JJ:
 Hosp Univ Cent Asturias, Serv Microbiol, Unidad Referencia Reg Micobacterias, Oviedo, Spain

Palop, B:
 Hosp Reg Malaga, Lab Microbiol, Malaga, Spain

Pranada, AB:
 MVZ Dr Eberhard & Partner Dortmund UBAG, Dept Med Microbiol, Dortmund, Germany

Quiroga, L:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis Dept, Madrid, Spain

Rodriguez-Temporal, D:
 Hosp Univ Bellvitge IDIBELL, Serv Microbiol, Barcelona, Spain

Ruiz-Serrano, MJ:
 European Study Grp Genom & Mol Diag ESGMD, Basel, Switzerland

 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis Dept, Madrid, Spain

 CIBER Enfermedades Resp CIBERES CB06 06 0058, Madrid, Spain

Tudo, G:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin Barcelona ISGlobal, Dept Fonaments Clin, Lab Microbiol CDB,Fac Med & Ciencies Salut, Barcelona, Spain

Van den Bossche, A:
 Sci Inst Publ Hlth, Div Bacterial Dis, Brussels, Belgium

van Ingen, J:
 Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Dept Med Microbiol, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Rodriguez-Sanchez, B:
 European Study Grp Genom & Mol Diag ESGMD, Basel, Switzerland

 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon, Clin Microbiol & Infect Dis Dept, Madrid, Spain

 CIBER Enfermedades Resp CIBERES CB06 06 0058, Madrid, Spain
ISSN: 1198743X

Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 24 Número: 6
Páginas: 599-603
WOS Id: 000432446500008
ID de PubMed: 29174730
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