Novel insights into parathyroid hormone: report of The Parathyroid Day in Chronic Kidney Disease

Por: Urena-Torres, PA, Vervloet, M, Mazzaferro, S, Oury, F, Brandenburg, V, Bover, J, Cavalier, E, Cohen-Solal, M, Covic, A, Drueke, TB, Hindie, E, Evenepoel, P, Frazao, J, Goldsmith, D, Kazama, JJ, Cozzolino, M, Massy, ZA, ERA-EDTA CKD-MBD Working Grp

Publicada: 1 abr 2019
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is often associated with a mineral and bone disorder globally described as CKD-Mineral and Bone Disease (MBD), including renal osteodystrophy, the latter ranging from high bone turnover, as in case of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), to low bone turnover. The present article summarizes the important subjects that were covered during The Parathyroid Day in Chronic Kidney Disease' CME course organized in Paris in September 2017. It includes the latest insights on parathyroid gland growth, parathyroid hormone (PTH) synthesis, secretion and regulation by the calcium-sensing receptor, vitamin D receptor and fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23)-Klotho axis, as well as on parathyroid glands imaging. The skeletal action of PTH in early CKD stages to the steadily increasing activation of the often downregulated PTH receptor type 1 has been critically reviewed, emphasizing that therapeutic strategies to decrease PTH levels at these stages might not be recommended. The effects of PTH on the central nervous system, in particular cognitive functions, and on the cardiovascular system are revised, and the reliability and exchangeability of second- and third-generation PTH immunoassays discussed. The article also reviews the different circulating biomarkers used for the diagnosis and monitoring of CKD-MBD, including PTH and alkaline phosphatases isoforms. Moreover, it presents an update on the control of SHPT by vitamin D compounds, old and new calcimimetics, and parathyroidectomy. Finally, it covers the latest insights on the persistence and de novo occurrence of SHPT in renal transplant recipients.

Urena-Torres, PA:
 Univ Paris 05, Dept Nephrol & Dialysis, Clin Landy, Ramsay Gen Sante, Paris, France

 Univ Paris 05, Necker Hosp, Dept Renal Physiol, Paris, France

Vervloet, M:
 Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Dept Nephrol, Amsterdam, Netherlands

 Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, ACS, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Mazzaferro, S:
 Sapienza Univ Rome, Dept Cardiovasc Resp Nephrol Anaesthet & Geriatr, Rome, Italy

Oury, F:
 Sorbonne Paris Cite, Fac Med Paris Descartes, Ctr Med Mol, INEM, Batiment Leriche, Paris, France

Brandenburg, V:
 Univ Hosp RWTH Aachen, Dept Cardiol, Pauwelsstr, Aachen, Germany

Bover, J:
 IIB St Pau, Fundacio Puigvert, Dept Nephrol, RedinRen, Barcelona 340350, Spain

Cavalier, E:
 Univ Liege, CHU Sart Tilman, Dept Clin Chem, Liege, Belgium

Cohen-Solal, M:
 INSERM, U1132, Paris, France

 USPC Paris Diderot, Hop Lariboisiere, Dept Rheumatol, Paris, France

Covic, A:
 Univ Med & Pharm Gr T Popa, Dept Nephrol, Iasi, Romania

Drueke, TB:
 Hop Paul Brousse, INSERM, Unit 1018, CESP,Team 5, Villejuif, France

Hindie, E:
 Univ Bordeaux, Haut Leveque Hosp, Nucl Med, Pessac, France

Evenepoel, P:
 Univ Hosp Leuven, Div Nephrol, Dept Med, Leuven, Belgium

 Univ Ziekenhuis Gasthuisberg, Dienst Nefrol, Herestr, Leuven, Belgium

Frazao, J:
 Univ Porto, Inst Invest & Innovat Hlth, Porto, Portugal

 Univ Porto, INEB, Porto, Portugal

 Sao Joao Hosp Ctr, Dept Nephrol, Porto, Portugal

 Univ Porto, Sch Med, Porto, Portugal

Goldsmith, D:
 Guys & St Thomas Hosp, London, England

Kazama, JJ:
 Fukushima Med Univ, Dept Nephrol & Hypertens, 1 Hikarigaoka, Fukushima 9601247, Japan

Cozzolino, M:
 Univ Milan, Dept Hlth Sci, San Paolo Hosp, Div Renal, Milan, Italy

Massy, ZA:
 Univ Paris Ouest UVSQ, Ambroise Pare Univ Med Ctr, APHP, Div Nephrol, Boulogne Billancourt, France
ISSN: 20488505

Clinical Kidney Journal
Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 12 Número: 2
Páginas: 269-280
WOS Id: 000469509300019
ID de PubMed: 30976408
imagen Gold, Green Published