Seroprevalence of canine Leishmania infantum infection in the Mediterranean region and identification of risk factors: The example of North-Eastern and Check for Pyrenean areas of Spain

Por: Velez, R, Ballart, C, Domenech, E, Abras, A, Fernandez-Arevalo, A, Gomez, SA, Tebar, S, Munoz, C, Cairo, J, Gallego, M

Publicada: 1 ene 2019
The Mediterranean basin is an endemic region for canine leishmaniosis (CanL), where it represents a major veterinary problem and raises human health concerns. However, the distribution of the disease is heterogeneous and not all countries and locations have been equally studied and characterized. This work describes the situation of CanL in Girona province (Catalonia, Spain), for which no data has been previously reported, and presents a relevant study to exemplify other areas with similar characteristics across the region. Four cross-sectional seroprevalence surveys were performed from 2012 to 2016 throughout the province, including 36 sampling stations in 26 localities and a total of 593 dogs. For each animal, individual and location variables were also collected. Additionally, each dog owner answered a questionnaire about their knowledge of CanL and preventive methods used. Blood samples were analysed by an in-house ELISA and a mixed logistic regression model was used to assess the relationship between pre-determined variables and dog seropositivity. A Spearman's correlation was used to assess the association between dog owners' perceived risk of CanL and Leishmania infantum seropositivity in dogs at a given location. The overall true seroprevalence estimated for Girona province was 19.5% (95%CI: 15.5-23.5), of which only 6.8% (10/146) were considered symptomatic. Age of the dog [OR = 1.21 (95%CI: 1.11-1.31); p < 0.0011 and altitude [OR = 0.02 (95%CI: 0.001-0.19); p = 0.001] were identified as risk factors for the infection. The results obtained in this study are expected to aid in the implementation of directed control programmes in CanL endemic areas throughout Europe, as well as to provide suitable data for the design of better risk assessment maps of the disease.

Velez, R:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Fac Farm & Ciencies Alimentacio, Dept Biol Sanitat & Medi Ambient, Seccio Parasitol, Barcelona, Spain

Ballart, C:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Fac Farm & Ciencies Alimentacio, Dept Biol Sanitat & Medi Ambient, Seccio Parasitol, Barcelona, Spain

Domenech, E:
 Hosp Vet Canis, Girona, Spain

Abras, A:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Fac Farm & Ciencies Alimentacio, Dept Biol Sanitat & Medi Ambient, Seccio Parasitol, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Girona, Dept Biol, Lab Ictiol Genet, Girona, Spain

Fernandez-Arevalo, A:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Fac Farm & Ciencies Alimentacio, Dept Biol Sanitat & Medi Ambient, Seccio Parasitol, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Serv Microbiol, Barcelona, Spain

Gomez, SA:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain

Tebar, S:
 Univ Barcelona, Fac Farm & Ciencies Alimentacio, Dept Biol Sanitat & Medi Ambient, Seccio Parasitol, Barcelona, Spain

Munoz, C:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Serv Microbiol, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Genet & Microbiol, Cerdanyola Dell Valles, Spain

Cairo, J:
 Hosp Vet Canis, Girona, Spain

Gallego, M:
 Univ Barcelona, Hosp Clin, ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Fac Farm & Ciencies Alimentacio, Dept Biol Sanitat & Medi Ambient, Seccio Parasitol, Barcelona, Spain
ISSN: 01675877
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 162 Número:
Páginas: 67-75
WOS Id: 000456755900008
ID de PubMed: 30621900
imagen Green Published, Hybrid Gold