Assessment of Platelet REACtivity After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement The REAC-TAVI Trial

Por: Diaz, VAJ, Tello-Montoliu, A, Moreno, R, Gonzalez, IC, Alonso, JAB, Romaguera, R, Navarro, EM, Salvadores, PJ, Galan, EP, Castro, AD, Fernandez, GB, Saez, AO, Barbeira, SF, Roubin, SR, Miguez, JO, Penaranda, AS, Chavarri, MV, Fillat, AC, Iglesias, FC, Romo, AI

Publicada: 14 ene 2019
OBJECTIVES The REAC-TAVI (Assessment of platelet REACtivity after Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) trial enrolled patients with aortic stenosis (AS) undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) pre-treated with aspirin thorn clopidogrel, aimed to compare the efficacy of clopidogrel and ticagrelor in suppressing high platelet reactivity (HPR) after TAVI. BACKGROUND Current recommendations support short-term use of aspirin thorn clopidogrel for patients with severe AS undergoing TAVR despite the lack of compelling evidence. METHODS This was a prospective, randomized, multicenter investigation. Platelet reactivity was measured at 6 different time points with the VerifyNow assay (Accriva Diagnostics, San Diego, California). HPR was defined as (P2Y12 reaction units (PRU) $ 208. Patients with HPR before TAVR were randomized to either aspirin thorn ticagrelor or aspirin thorn clopidogrel for 3 months. Patients without HPR continued with aspirin thorn clopidogrel (registry cohort). The primary endpoint was non-HPR status (PRU < 208) in $ 70% of patients treated with ticagrelor at 90 days post-TAVR. RESULTS A total of 68 patients were included. Of these, 48 (71%) had HPR (PRU 273 +/- 09) and were randomized to aspirin thorn ticagrelor (n = 24, PRU 277 +/- 08) or continued with aspirin thorn clopidogrel (n = 24, PRU 269 +/- 49). The remaining 20 patients (29%) without HPR (PRU 133 +/- 12) were included in the registry. Overall, platelet reactivity across all the study time points after TAVR was lower in patients randomized to ticagrelor compared with those treated with clopidogrel, including those enrolled in the registry (p < 0.001). The primary endpoint was achieved in 100% of patients with ticagrelor compared with 21% with clopidogrel (p < 0.001). Interestingly, 33% of clopidogrel responder patients at baseline developed HPR status during the first month after TAVR. CONCLUSIONS HPR to clopidogrel is present in a considerable number of patients with AS undergoing TAVR. Ticagrelor achieves a better and faster effect, providing sustained suppression of HPR to these patients. (Platelet Reactivity After TAVI: A Multicenter Pilot Study [REAC-TAVI]; NCT02224066) (J Am Coll Cardiol Intv 2019; 12: 22-32) (c) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

Diaz, VAJ:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiovasc Res Unit, Dept Cardiol, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Vigo, Spain

Tello-Montoliu, A:
 Hosp Univ Virgen de la Arrixaca, Cardiol Dept, IMIB Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain

 CIBER CV, Ctr Invest Red Enfermedades Cardiovasc, Madrid, Spain

Moreno, R:
 Hosp Univ La Paz, Cardiol Dept, Madrid, Spain

Gonzalez, IC:
 CIBER CV, Ctr Invest Red Enfermedades Cardiovasc, Madrid, Spain

 Hosp Univ Salamanca, Cardiol Dept, Salamanca, Spain

Alonso, JAB:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Romaguera, R:
 Hosp Univ Bellvitge, Cardiol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

Navarro, EM:
 Hosp Univ Virgen de las Nieves, Cardiol Dept, Granada, Spain

Salvadores, PJ:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiovasc Res Unit, Dept Cardiol, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Vigo, Spain

 SERGAS UVIGO, Cardiovasc Res Grp, Galicia Sur Hlth Res Inst IIS Galicia Sur, Vigo, Spain

Galan, EP:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Castro, AD:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Fernandez, GB:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Saez, AO:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Barbeira, SF:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Roubin, SR:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Miguez, JO:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Penaranda, AS:
 Hosp Univ San Pau, Cardiol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

Chavarri, MV:
 Hosp Univ Virgen de la Arrixaca, Cardiol Dept, IMIB Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain

 CIBER CV, Ctr Invest Red Enfermedades Cardiovasc, Madrid, Spain

Fillat, AC:
 CIBER CV, Ctr Invest Red Enfermedades Cardiovasc, Madrid, Spain

 Hosp Univ Bellvitge, Cardiol Dept, Barcelona, Spain

Iglesias, FC:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

Romo, AI:
 Univ Hosp Vigo, Cardiol Dept, Hosp Alvaro Cunqueiro, Estr Clara Campoamor 341, Vigo 36312, Spain

 CIBER CV, Ctr Invest Red Enfermedades Cardiovasc, Madrid, Spain
ISSN: 19368798

JACC-Cardiovascular Interventions
ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, STE 800, 230 PARK AVE, NEW YORK, NY 10169 USA, Estados Unidos America
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 12 Número: 1
Páginas: 22-32
WOS Id: 000455016900007
ID de PubMed: 30621974
imagen Hybrid Gold, Green Published