Towards a common metric for assessing heroin-dependent patient satisfaction with medications: Testing methadone and buprenorphine-naloxone

Por: de Los Cobos, JP, Alcaraz, S, Sinol, N, Gonzalez-Saiz, F, Vergara-Moragues, E, Trujols, J, Zambrano, S, Fonseca, F, Torrens, M, Bordas, J, Gonzalvo, B, Moreno, J, Morozova, L, Trevino, L, Fabregas, J, Llebot, S, Moreno, D, Yuguero, L, Blanco, XR, Manzano, E, Marco, A, da Silva, A, Ribalta, E, Sanz, P, Vazquez, JM, Bruguera, AM, Cruz, CM, Barral, C, Grau-Lopez, L, Perez, J, Roncero, C, Grau, M, Conde, MM, Dorado, ML, Orengo, T, Gonzalez, P, Ochando, B, Ripoll, C, Sanchez, A

Publicada: 1 jul 2020
Background: Patient satisfaction with methadone or buprenorphine-naloxone can be multidimensionally and specifically assessed by using, respectively, the Scale to Assess Satisfaction with Medications for Addiction Treatment-Methadone for Heroin addiction (SASMAT-METHER) or the SASMAT-Buprenorphine-Naloxone for Heroin addiction (SASMAT-BUNHER). The factor structures of the SASMAT-METHER and SASMAT-BUNHER show substantial commonalities. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the replicability of the SASMAT-METHER factor structure using data from the SASMAT-BUNHER development study in order to obtain an instrument that can be used to compare patient satisfaction with methadone vs. buprenorphine-naloxone. Method: Secondary analysis of SASMAT-BUNHER data provided by 205 participants in the original validation study of that scale (Perez de los Cobos et al., 2018). Using the SASMAT-METHER component solution (17 items, 3 factors) as the target structure, a principal component analysis was performed on the data set comprised of the corresponding 17 SASMAT-BUNHER items using an oblique semi-specified Procrustean rotation. Additionally, Tucker congruence coefficients were computed to examine the correspondence between the two solutions. Result: The factor structures of SASMAT-METHER and the 17-item version of the SASMAT-BUNHER can be considered equal given that the overall Tucker's congruence coefficient of factorial similarity was 0.972, with individual component congruencies ranging from 0.960 to 0.995. Conclusions: The SASMAT-METHER component solution can serve as a single common tool to compare methadone vs. buprenorphine-naloxone in terms of patient satisfaction. This finding supports the feasibility of using a common metric to specifically assess satisfaction with medications to treat heroin dependence.

de Los Cobos, JP:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Inst Invest Biomed St Pau IIB St Pau, Serv Psiquiatria, Unitas Conductes Addict, Barcelona, Spain

 Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental CIBERSAM, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Psiquiatria & Med Legal, Bellaterra, Spain

Alcaraz, S:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Inst Invest Biomed St Pau IIB St Pau, Serv Psiquiatria, Unitas Conductes Addict, Barcelona, Spain

Sinol, N:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Inst Invest Biomed St Pau IIB St Pau, Serv Psiquiatria, Unitas Conductes Addict, Barcelona, Spain

Gonzalez-Saiz, F:
 Serv Andalus Salud, Unidad Salud Mental Comunitaria Jerez, UGC Salud Mental, Area Gest Sanitaria Norte Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain

 Univ Cadiz, Dept Neurociencias, Area Psiquiatria, Cadiz, Spain

 Inst Invest & Innovat Biomed Cadiz INiBICA, Cadiz, Spain

Vergara-Moragues, E:
 UCM, Dept Psicobiol & Metodol Ciencias Comportamiento, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Int La Rioja UNIR, Dept Psicol, Logrono, Spain

Trujols, J:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Inst Invest Biomed St Pau IIB St Pau, Serv Psiquiatria, Unitas Conductes Addict, Barcelona, Spain

 Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental CIBERSAM, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Unitat Neurociencia Quantitat, Grp Recerca Psicol Quantitat SGR 269, Barcelona, Spain

Zambrano, S:
 Ctr Tratamiento Ambulatorio Torreblanca, Seville, Spain

Fonseca, F:
 Barceloneta Hosp Mar, CAS, IMIM Inst Hosp Mar Invest Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Torrens, M:
 Barceloneta Hosp Mar, CAS, IMIM Inst Hosp Mar Invest Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Bordas, J:
 Benito Menni CASM Germanes Hosp, CAS Benito Menni, St Boi De Llobregat, Spain

Gonzalvo, B:
 Benito Menni CASM Germanes Hosp, CAS Benito Menni, St Boi De Llobregat, Spain

Moreno, J:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Garbivent, Barcelona, Spain

Morozova, L:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Garbivent, Barcelona, Spain

Trevino, L:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Garbivent, Barcelona, Spain

Fabregas, J:
 Benito Menni CASM Germanes Hosp, CAS LHospitalet, Lhospitalet De Llobregat, Spain

Llebot, S:
 Benito Menni CASM Germanes Hosp, CAS LHospitalet, Lhospitalet De Llobregat, Spain

Moreno, D:
 Benito Menni CASM Germanes Hosp, CAS LHospitalet, Lhospitalet De Llobregat, Spain

Yuguero, L:
 Benito Menni CASM Germanes Hosp, CAS LHospitalet, Lhospitalet De Llobregat, Spain

Blanco, XR:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Nou Barris, Barcelona, Spain

Manzano, E:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Nou Barris, Barcelona, Spain

Marco, A:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Nou Barris, Barcelona, Spain

da Silva, A:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Nou Barris, Barcelona, Spain

Ribalta, E:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS St Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Sanz, P:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Sants, Barcelona, Spain

Vazquez, JM:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Sants, Barcelona, Spain

Bruguera, AM:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Sarria, Barcelona, Spain

Cruz, CM:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, CAS Sarria, Barcelona, Spain

Barral, C:
 Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, CIBERSAM, CAS Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain

Grau-Lopez, L:
 Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, CIBERSAM, CAS Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain

Perez, J:
 Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, CIBERSAM, CAS Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain

Roncero, C:
 Hosp Univ Vall dHebron, CIBERSAM, CAS Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain

Grau, M:
 Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Ctr Salut Mental Adults Gracia, Barcelona, Spain

Conde, MM:
 Unidad Asistencial Drogodependencias Ayuntamiento, Vigo, Spain

Dorado, ML:
 Unidad Conductas Adict UCA Gandia, Gandia, Spain

Orengo, T:
 UCA Grao, Valencia, Spain

Gonzalez, P:
 UCA Nou Campanar, Dept Salud Valencia La Fe, Valencia, Spain

Ochando, B:
 UCA Nou Campanar, Dept Salud Valencia La Fe, Valencia, Spain

Ripoll, C:
 UCA Nou Campanar, Dept Salud Valencia La Fe, Valencia, Spain

Sanchez, A:
 UCA Paterna, Dept Salud Arnau Lliria, Valencia, Spain
ISSN: 03768716

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 212 Número:
WOS Id: 000540448800027
ID de PubMed: 32380375