ERS/TSANZ Task Force Statement on the management of reproduction and pregnancy in women with airways diseases
Middleton, PG, Gade, EJ, Aguilera, C, MacKillop, L, Button, BM, Coleman, C, Johnson, B, Albrechtsen, C, Edenborough, F, Rigau, D, Gibson, PG, Backer, V
1 feb 2020
This European Respiratory Society/Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand statement outlines a review of the literature and expert opinion concerning the management of reproduction and pregnancy in women with airways diseases: asthma, cystic fibrosis (CF) and non-CF bronchiectasis. Many women with these diseases are now living into reproductive age, with some developing moderate-to-severe impairment of lung function in early adulthood. The statement covers aspects of fertility, management during pregnancy, effects of drugs, issues during delivery and the post-partum period, and patients' views about family planning, pregnancy and parenthood. The statement summarises current knowledge and proposes topics for future research, but does not make specific clinical recommendations.
Middleton, PG:
Univ Sydney, Ludwig Engel Ctr Resp Res, Westmead Inst Med Res, CF Res Grp, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Gade, EJ:
Rigshosp, Dept Gynecol & Obstet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Aguilera, C:
Univ Hosp Vall dHebron, Dept Clin Pharmacol, Barcelona, Spain
MacKillop, L:
Univ Oxford, Oxford Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Nuffield Dept Womens & Reprod Hlth, Oxford, England
Button, BM:
Monash Univ, Monash Inst Med Res, Dept Med Nursing & Hlth Sci, Melbourne, Vic, Australia
Coleman, C:
European Lung Fdn, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England
Johnson, B:
European Lung Fdn, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England
Albrechtsen, C:
Rigshosp, Dept Anaesthet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Edenborough, F:
Northern Gen Hosp, Sheffield Adult Cyst Fibrosis Ctr, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England
Rigau, D:
Iberoamer Cochrane Ctr, Barcelona, Spain
Gibson, PG:
Univ Newcastle, Fac Hlth & Med, Ctr Asthma & Resp Dis, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Backer, V:
Rigshosp, Ctr Phys Act Res, Copenhagen, Denmark
Univ Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark