Smokefree legislation effects on respiratory and sensory disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Por: Rando-Matos, Y, Pons-Vigues, M, Lopez, MJ, Cordoba, R, Ballve-Moreno, JL, Puigdomenech-Puig, E, Benito-Lopez, VE, Arias-Agudelo, OL, Lopez-Grau, M, Guardia-Riera, A, Trujillo, JM, Martin-Cantera, C

Publicada: 31 jul 2017
Aims The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to synthesize the available evidence in scientific papers of smokefree legislation effects on respiratory diseases and sensory and respiratory symptoms (cough, phlegm, red eyes, runny nose) among all populations. Materials and methods Systematic review and meta-analysis were carried out. A search between January 1995 and February 2015 was performed in PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases. Inclusion criteria were: 1) original scientific studies about smokefree legislation, 2) Data before and after legislation were collected, and 3) Impact on respiratory and sensory outcomes were assessed. Paired reviewers independently carried out the screening of titles and abstracts, data extraction from full-text articles, and methodological quality assessment. Results A total number of 1606 papers were identified. 50 papers were selected, 26 were related to symptoms (23 concerned workers). Most outcomes presented significant decreases in the percentage of people suffering from them, especially in locations with comprehensive measures and during the immediate post-ban period (within the first six months). Four (50%) of the papers concerning pulmonary function reported some significant improvement in expiratory parameters. Significant decreases were described in 13 of the 17 papers evaluating asthma hospital admissions, and there were fewer significant reductions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease admissions (range 1-36%) than for asthma (5-31%). Six studies regarding different respiratory diseases showed discrepant results, and four papers about mortality reported significant declines in subgroups. Low bias risk was present in 23 (46%) of the studies. Conclusions Smokefree legislation appears to improve respiratory and sensory symptoms at short term in workers (the overall effect being greater in comprehensive smokefree legislation in sensory symptoms) and, to a lesser degree, rates of hospitalization for asthma.

Rando-Matos, Y:
 ICS, CAP, Florida Nord Gerencia Ambit Atencio Primaria Metr, Barcelona, Spain

Pons-Vigues, M:
 Inst Univ Invest Atencio Primaria Jordi Gol IDIAP, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Bellaterra, Cerdanyola Del, Spain

 Univ Girona, Girona, Spain

Lopez, MJ:
 Publ Hlth Agcy Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain

 IIB Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain

 UPF, Barcelona, Spain

Cordoba, R:
 Serv Aragones Salud SALUD, Ctr Salud Univ Delicias Sur, Zaragoza, Spain

 Univ Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain

Ballve-Moreno, JL:
 ICS, CAP, Florida Nord Gerencia Ambit Atencio Primaria Metr, Barcelona, Spain

Puigdomenech-Puig, E:
 Agencia Qualitat & Avaluacio Sanitaries, AQuAS, Generalitat Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Benito-Lopez, VE:
 Complejo Asistencial Univ Salamanca, Serv Med Prevent, Sanidad Castilla & Leon SACYL, Salamanca, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed Salamanca IBSAL, Grp Invest Trastornos Sensoriales & Neuroplastici, UIC 083, Salamanca, Spain

 INCYL, Salamanca, Spain

Arias-Agudelo, OL:
 ICS, CAP San Marti de Provencals, Gerencia Ambit Atencio Primaria Barcelona Ciutat, Barcelona, Spain

Lopez-Grau, M:
 ICS, CAP, Gerencia Ambit Atencio Primaria Barcelona Ciutat, Barcelona, Spain

Guardia-Riera, A:
 Inst Catala Salut, Area Basica Salut, Gerencia Ambit Atencio Primaria Hospitalet de Llo, LHospitalet de Llobregat 6 Sta Eulalia Sud, Barcelona, Spain

Trujillo, JM:
 Ctr Salud Cuevas del Almanzora, Almeria, Spain

Martin-Cantera, C:
 Inst Univ Invest Atencio Primaria Jordi Gol IDIAP, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Bellaterra, Cerdanyola Del, Spain
ISSN: 19326203

PLoS One
Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 12 Número: 7
WOS Id: 000406761600009
ID de PubMed: 28759596
imagen Green Published, Green Submitted, gold