The Geography of the Alzheimer's Disease Mortality in Spain: Should We Focus on Industrial Pollutants Prevention?

Por: Martinez-Solanas, E, Vergara-Duarte, M, Cerda, MO, Martin-Sanchez, JC, Buxo, M, Rodriguez-Farre, E, Benach, J, Perez, G

Publicada: 1 dic 2017
Alzheimer's disease (AD) has a high worldwide prevalence but little is known about its aetiology and risk factors. Recent research suggests environmental factors might increase AD risk. We aim to describe the association between AD mortality and the presence of highly polluting industry in small areas in Spain between 1999 and 2010. We calculated AD age-adjusted Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR), stratified by sex, grouped by industrial pollution density, compared for each small area of Spain. In the small areas with the highest mortality, the SMR among women was at least 25% greater than the national average (18% in men). The distribution of AD mortality was generally similar to that of high industrial pollution (higher mortality in the north, the Mediterranean coast and in some southern areas). The risk of AD mortality among women was 140% higher (123% among men) in areas with the highest industrial density in comparison to areas without polluting industries. This study has identified a geographical pattern of small areas with higher AD mortality risk and an ecological positive association with the density of highly polluting industry. Further research is needed on the potential impact of this type of industry pollution on AD aetiology and mortality.

Martinez-Solanas, E:
 ISGlobal, Ctr Res Environm Epidemiol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Vergara-Duarte, M:
 Univ Pompeu Fabra, Dept Polit & Social Sci, Employment Condit Knowledge Network GREDS EMCONET, Hlth Inequal Res Grp, Barcelona 08005, Spain

Cerda, MO:
 ENT Fdn, Vilanova I La Geltru 08800, Spain

Martin-Sanchez, JC:
 Univ Int Catalunya, Dept Basic Sci, Biostat Unit, Barcelona 08195, Spain

Buxo, M:
 Parc Hosp Marti i Julia, IDIBGI, Inst Invest Biomed Girona, Salt 17190, Spain

Rodriguez-Farre, E:
 CSIC IDIBAPS, Barcelona Inst Biomed Res, Environm Toxicol, Barcelona 08036, Spain

 CIBER Epidemiol & Publ Hlth CIBERESP, Barcelona 08036, Spain

Benach, J:
 Univ Pompeu Fabra, Dept Polit & Social Sci, Employment Condit Knowledge Network GREDS EMCONET, Hlth Inequal Res Grp, Barcelona 08005, Spain

 Johns Hopkins Univ Univ Pompeu Fabra Publ Policy, Barcelona 08005, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Grp Invest Transdisciplinar Trans Socioecol GinTR, E-28049 Madrid, Spain

Perez, G:
 Publ Hlth Agcy Barcelona, Barcelona 08023, Spain
ISSN: 22279032

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 5 Número: 4
WOS Id: 000424504200030
ID de PubMed: 29186816
imagen Green Submitted, Green Published, gold