Dual therapy combining raltegravir with etravirine maintains a high level of viral suppression over 96 weeks in long-term experienced HIV-infected individuals over 45 years on a PI-based regimen: results from the Phase II ANRS 163 ETRAL study

Por: Katlama, C, Assoumou, L, Soulie, C, Beniguel, L, Fellahi, S, Peytavin, G, Marcelin, AG, Kolta, S, Capeau, J, Gibowski, S, Cardon, F, Costagliola, D, Bernard, L, Bottero, J, Bouchaud, O, Chidiac, C, Duvivier, C, Goujard, C, Gutierrez, MD, Martinez, E, Molina, JM, Morlat, P, Naqvi, A, Podzamczer, D, Poizot-Martin, I, Raffi, F, Reynes, J, Salmon-Ceron, D, Simon, A, Valantin, MA, Weiss, L, Yazdanpanah, Y

Publicada: 1 sep 2019
Background: Dual therapy combining integrase inhibitors and NNRTIs represents a promising regimen in ageing HIV-infected individuals with long exposure to nucleoside analogues and PIs. Methods: The ANRS 163 ETRAL trial (NCT02212379) was a 96 week, multicentre, single-arm study evaluating the efficacy and safety of raltegravir (400 mg twice daily)/etravirine (200 mg twice daily) in individuals >45 years, on a PI-containing regimen who were integrase inhibitor and etravirine naive. The primary endpoint was the proportion of participants with virological success, defined by the absence of virological failure up to week 48. Main secondary outcomes included evolution of metabolic parameters, CD4/CD8 count, bone mineral density and inflammatory markers. The study was designed to show an efficacy >90%, assuming a success rate >= 95%, with a power of 80% and a 5% type-1 error. Results: One hundred and sixty-five participants (median age 52 years, duration of ART 16.9 years, viral suppression 6.9 years and CD4 count 700 cells/mm3) were enrolled. By ITT analysis, viral suppression was maintained in 99.4% of participants (95% CI = 95.6%-99.9%) at week 48 and 98.7% (95% CI = 95.0%-99.7%) at week 96. Two virological failures occurred (week 24 and week 64) without emergence of integrase inhibitor resistance. Eight participants discontinued raltegravir/etravirine for adverse events, leading to a strategy success rate of 95.1% (95% CI = 90.5%-97.5%) at week 48 and 92.7% (95% CI = 87.5%-95.8%) at week 96. Over 96 weeks, lipid fractions improved (P < 0.001), CD4/CD8 ratio increased, IFN -induced protein 10 (IP-10) decreased (-8.1%), soluble CD14 decreased (-27%, P < 0.001) bone mineral density improved and BMI increased. Conclusions: Raltegravir plus etravirine dual therapy demonstrated durable efficacy in virologically suppressed ageing patients.

Katlama, C:
 Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, AP HP, Serv Malad Infect & Trop, Paris, France

 Sorbonne Univ, INSERM, IPLESP, Paris, France

Assoumou, L:
 Sorbonne Univ, INSERM, IPLESP, Paris, France

Soulie, C:
 Sorbonne Univ, INSERM, IPLESP, Paris, France

 Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, AP HP, Virol Lab, Paris, France

Beniguel, L:
 Sorbonne Univ, INSERM, IPLESP, Paris, France

Fellahi, S:
 Sorbonne Univ, Inst Hosp Univ Cardiometab & Nutr ICAN, INSERM, UMRS 938, Paris, France

Peytavin, G:
 Univ Paris 07, Hop Bichat Claude Bernard, AP HP, Lab Pharmacol Toxicol,INSERM,UMR 1137, Paris, France

Marcelin, AG:
 Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, AP HP, Virol Lab, Paris, France

Kolta, S:
 Hop Cochin, Dept Rheumatol, Paris, France

 INSERM, UMR 1153, Paris, France

Capeau, J:
 Sorbonne Univ, Inst Hosp Univ Cardiometab & Nutr ICAN, INSERM, UMRS 938, Paris, France

Gibowski, S:
 INSERM, ANRS, France Rech Nord & Sud Sida HIV Hepatites, Agence Autonome, Paris, France

Cardon, F:
 INSERM, ANRS, France Rech Nord & Sud Sida HIV Hepatites, Agence Autonome, Paris, France

Costagliola, D:
 Sorbonne Univ, INSERM, IPLESP, Paris, France

Bernard, L:
 Hop Bretonneau, Tours, France

Bottero, J:
 Hop Jean Verdier, Bondy, France

Bouchaud, O:
 Ctr Hosp Univ Avicenne, AP HP, Serv Malad Infect & Trop, Bobigny, France

 Univ Paris 13, IMEA Fdn Int Leon Mba, Paris, France

 Hop Avicenne, Bobigny, France

Chidiac, C:
 Hop Croix Rousse, Lyon, France

Duvivier, C:
 Hop Necker Enfants Malad, Paris, France

Goujard, C:
 Hop Bicetre, Le Kremlin Bicetre, France

Gutierrez, MD:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain

Martinez, E:
 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Infect Dis Unit, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Molina, JM:
 Univ Paris Diderot, Paris, France

 Hop St Louis, AP HP, Sorbonne Paris Cite, Paris, France

 Hop St Louis, Paris, France

Morlat, P:
 Hop St Andre, Bordeaux, France

Naqvi, A:
 Hop Archet, Nice, France

Podzamczer, D:
 Bellvitge Hosp, Barcelona, Spain

Poizot-Martin, I:
 Hop St Marguerite, Marseille, France

Raffi, F:
 Univ Nantes, Hop Hotel Dieu, INSERM, CIC 1413,Dept Malad Infect, Nantes, France

 CHU Hotel Dieu, Nantes, France

Reynes, J:
 CHU Montpellier, INSERM, Dept Malad Infect, UMI 233,U1175, Montpellier, France

 Hop Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier, France

Salmon-Ceron, D:
 Hop Cochin, Paris, France

Simon, A:
 Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, Paris, France

Valantin, MA:
 Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, AP HP, Serv Malad Infect & Trop, Paris, France

 Sorbonne Univ, INSERM, IPLESP, Paris, France

 Hop La Pitie Salpetriere, Paris, France

Weiss, L:
 Hop Europeen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France

Yazdanpanah, Y:
 Hop Bichat Claude Bernard, Paris, France
ISSN: 03057453

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 74 Número: 9
Páginas: 2742-2751
WOS Id: 000487303300032
ID de PubMed: 31269208