Architecture of a wireless Personal Assistant for telemedical diabetes care
Garcia-Saez, G, Hernando, ME, Martinez-Sarriegui, I, Rigla, M, Torralba, V, Brugues, E, de Leiva, A, Gomez, EJ
1 jun 2009
Purpose: Advanced information technologies joined to the increasing use of continuous medical devices for monitoring and treatment, have made possible the definition of a new telemedical diabetes care scenario based on a hand-held Personal Assistant (PA). This paper describes the architecture, functionality and implementation of the PA, which communicates different medical devices in a personal wireless network.
Description of the system: The PA is a mobile system for patients with diabetes connected to a telemedical center. The software design follows a modular approach to make the integration of medical devices or new functionalities independent from the rest of its components. Physicians can remotely control medical devices from the telemedicine server through the integration of the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and mobile GPRS communications. Data about PA modules' usage and patients' behavior evaluation come from a pervasive tracing system implemented into the PA.
Results and discussion: The PA architecture has been technically validated with commercially available medical devices during a clinical experiment for ambulatory monitoring and expert feedback through telemedicine. The clinical experiment has allowed defining patients' patterns of usage and preferred scenarios and it has proved the Personal Assistant's feasibility. The patients showed high acceptability and interest in the system as recorded in the usability and utility questionnaires. Future work will be devoted to the validation of the system with automatic control strategies from the telemedical center as well as with closed-loop control algorithms. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Garcia-Saez, G:
Univ Politecn Madrid, ETSI, Grp Bioingn & Telemed, Bioengn & Telemed Ctr, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Rigla, M:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Endocrinol, Barcelona, Spain
Brugues, E:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Endocrinol, Barcelona, Spain
de Leiva, A:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Endocrinol, Barcelona, Spain