Clinical profile and management patterns in outpatients with heart failure in Spain: INCA study

Por: Otero, BD, Permanyer-Miralda, G, Cuixart, CB, Costa, JA, Blazquez, ES

Publicada: 1 jul 2009
Aim: To assess clinical characteristics and treatment management of out-patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) in Spain. Design: Cross-sectional study. Location: Primary care (PC) centres and cardiology cut-patient clinics. Patients: CHF patients (all had an echocardiography performed). Methods: Data were collected from consecutive patients who attended clinics (93 cardiologist and 415 PC physicians) with a diagnosis of CHF during June 2006. Results: The study subjects were 2161 CHF patients (1412 PC; 749 Cardiology), with a mean age was 70.9+/-10.6 years and 55.62% were mates. Patients followed up in cardiology were younger, the majority were mate, had a better functional class, lower ejection fraction, and fewer co-morbidities than those followed up in PC. The most used treatments were drugs that block the renin-angiotensin system (ACEi or ARB) (89.4%) and diuretics (84.91%), followed by beta-blockers (43.96%). Blocd pressure (< 130/80 mmHg) was controlled in 24.93% of the patients, and diabetes mellitus in 32.33% of the diabetics (HbA(1c)<6.5%). Both risk factors were significantly better in PC. Conclusions: The INCA results show different clinical characteristics between patients followed up in the two health care levels. The pharmacological treatment has improved since previous studies and is closer to that recommended in chronic heart failure guidelines. Nevertheless, blood pressure and diabetes mellitus control are still insufficient. (C) 2009 Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.

Otero, BD:
 AstraZeneca Farmaceut Spain SA, Dept Med, Madrid, Spain

Permanyer-Miralda, G:
 Hosp Valle De Hebron, Unidad Epidemiol, Serv Cardiol, CIBERESP, Barcelona, Spain

Cuixart, CB:
 Red Espanola Enfermedades Cardiovasc RECAVA, Equipo Atenc Primaria Sardenya, Unidad Invest, Barcelona, Spain

Costa, JA:
 Hosp Nuestra Senora Gracia, Zaragoza, Spain

Blazquez, ES:
 Quintiles IBERIA, Dept Biometria MediClin, Madrid, Spain
ISSN: 02126567

Atencion Primaria
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 41 Número: 7
Páginas: 394-401
WOS Id: 000268141700009
ID de PubMed: 19427709
imagen Green Published