Performance assessment of health services in Catalonia (Spain): Evaluation of initial results of the Catalan healthcare service project
Garcia-Altes, A, Dalmau-Bueno, A, Colls, C, Mendivil, J, Benet, J, Mompart, A, Torne, E, Zara, C, Borrell, C, Brugulat, P, Guarga, A
1 sep 2009
Performance assessment of healthcare services is receiving greater attention due to increasing health care expenditures, greater expectations among the population, and the need to obtain results from the invested resources. Taking advantage of the existing experience of the Agencia de Salut Publica de Barcelona and the Consorci Sanitari de Barcelona, which compared the healthcare services of Barcelona and Montreal, a grant from the Agencia d'Avaluacio de Tecnologia i Recerca Mediques, and the health planning interest of the Departament de Salut, the performance assessment of the Catalan healthcare service project was started in Catalonia in 2005.
This article aims to present the development of the project, to provide some examples that illustrate the kind of numerical and graphical information that could be obtained and the kind of analysis that could be performed, to provide possible explanations for the results shown, and to discuss some limitations and implications. Currently, the added value of this project is that it identifies the extent to which the healthcare system is achieving its objectives, establishes a set of homogeneous indicators that could be used in the future, and is a key tool in the development of the Central de Resultats del Departament de Salut de la Generalitat de Catalunya. (C) 2008 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.
Garcia-Altes, A:
Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Dalmau-Bueno, A:
Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Colls, C:
Direccio Gen Planificacio & Avaluacio, Dept Salut, Barcelona, Spain
Mendivil, J:
Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Benet, J:
CatSalut, Regio Sanitaria Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Mompart, A:
Direccio Gen Planificacio & Avaluacio, Dept Salut, Barcelona, Spain
Torne, E:
CatSalut, Regio Sanitaria Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Zara, C:
CatSalut, Regio Sanitaria Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Borrell, C:
Agencia Salut Publ Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Brugulat, P:
Direccio Gen Planificacio & Avaluacio, Dept Salut, Barcelona, Spain
Guarga, A:
CatSalut, Regio Sanitaria Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
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