Immune response to the 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine after the 7-valent conjugate vaccine in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients: Results from the EBMT IDWP01 trial

Por: Cordonnier, C, Labopin, M, Chesnel, V, Ribaud, P, De La Camara, R, Martino, R, Ullmann, AJ, Parkkali, T, Locasciulli, A, Yakouben, K, Pauksens, K, Bonnet, E, Einsele, H, Niederwieser, D, Apperley, J, Ljungman, P

Publicada: 24 mar 2010
The current recommendations for active immunization after stem cell transplant (SCT) include 3 doses of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) from 3 months after transplant, followed by a 23-valent polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine (PPV23). However, until now, the immune response to PPV23 after PCV7 has not been assessed after SCT. In the EBMT IDWP01 trial, 101 patients received 1 dose of PPV23 at 12 or 18 months, both after 3 doses of PCV7. The efficacy of PPV23 was assessed 1 month later and at 24 months after transplant by the pneumococcal serotype 1 and 5 antibody levels. Serotype 1 and 5 are not included in PCV7. Although the geometric mean concentrations were significantly higher 1 month after PPV23, for both antigens, the response rates (>= 0.15 mu g/mL), in the range of 68-94%, were not different between groups independent of the assessment date. One PPV23 dose after 3 PCV7 doses, already known to increase the response to PCV7, also extends the serotype coverage given 12 or 18 months after transplant. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Cordonnier, C:
 Henri Mondor Teaching Hosp, AP HP, Dept Hematol, F-94010 Creteil, France

 Univ Paris 12, F-94010 Creteil, France

Labopin, M:
 Univ Paris 06, EBMT Data & Study Off, UMR S 893, AP HP,INSERM,St Antoine Teaching Hosp,Grp 14, F-75571 Paris, France

Chesnel, V:
 Univ Paris 06, EBMT Data & Study Off, UMR S 893, AP HP,INSERM,St Antoine Teaching Hosp,Grp 14, F-75571 Paris, France

Ribaud, P:
 St Louis Teaching Hosp, Hematol & Bone Marrow Transplant Dept, AP HP, Paris, France

 Univ Paris 07, Paris, France

De La Camara, R:
 Princesa Teaching Hosp, Dept Hematol, Madrid, Spain

Martino, R:
 St Pau Teaching Hosp, Dept Hematol, Barcelona, Spain

Ullmann, AJ:
 Johannes Gutenberg Univ Mainz, Univ Med, Mainz, Germany

Parkkali, T:
 Univ Helsinki, Cent Hosp, Dept Med, Helsinki, Finland

Locasciulli, A:
 San Camillo Teaching Hosp, Rome, Italy

Yakouben, K:
 Robert Debre Teaching Hosp, Dept Hematol, Paris, France

Pauksens, K:
 Univ Uppsala Hosp, Div Infect Dis, Uppsala, Sweden

Bonnet, E:
 Wyeth Pharmaceut Med Dept, F-92301 Puteaux Paris La Def, France

Einsele, H:
 Univ Hosp, Dept Internal Med, Wurzburg, Germany

Niederwieser, D:
 Univ Hosp, Div Internal Med 2, Leipzig, Germany

Apperley, J:
 Hammersmith Teaching Hosp, Dept Haematol, London, England

Ljungman, P:
 Karolinska Univ Hosp, Dept Hematol, Stockholm, Sweden

 Karolinska Inst, Stockholm, Sweden
ISSN: 0264410X

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 28 Número: 15
Páginas: 2730-2734
WOS Id: 000276174600007
ID de PubMed: 20117269