Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio in Patients With a First Episode of Psychosis: A Two-Year Longitudinal Follow-up Study

Por: Bioque, M, Matias-Martins, AC, Llorca-Bofi, V, Mezquida, G, Cuesta, MJ, Vieta, E, Amoretti, S, Lobo, A, Gonzalez-Pinto, A, Moreno, C, Roldan, A, Martinez-Aran, A, Baeza, I, Berge, D, Garcia-Rizo, C, Herrero, SM, Bernardo, M

Publicada: 18 nov 2022 Ahead of Print: 1 jul 2022
Background and Hypothesis A pro-inflammatory phenotype has been related to psychotic disorders. The neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is an accessible biomarker that could be helpful to characterize this systemic inflammation state. Study Design This study evaluated the NLR in a cohort of 310 subjects with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) and a matched group of 215 healthy controls, recruited in 16 Spanish centers participating in the PEPs Project. We investigated the NLR measures over 2 years in a prospective, naturalistic study. Study Results At baseline, the FEP group showed a significant higher mean NLR compared to the control group (1.96 +/- 1.11 vs 1.72 +/- 0.74, P = 0.03). These ratio differences between groups grew at the 24 months follow-up visit (2.04 +/- 0.86 vs 1.65 +/- 0.65, P < 0.001). Within the FEP group, there were no significant differences in NLR across the follow-up visits, between genders or diagnosis groups (affective vs nonaffective). NLR values did not correlate with the Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale scores. The group of patients who did not reach remission criteria at the end of the study showed a significant higher NLR than those who remitted (2.1896 +/- 0.85 vs 1.95 +/- 0.87, P = 0.042). A significant correlation between antipsychotic doses and NLR was found at the two-years follow-up visit (r=0.461, P < 0.001). Conclusions Our results highlight the existence of an underlying predisposition of FEP patients to present an increased mean NLR. The use of NLR in clinical practice could be helpful to identify this inflammatory imbalance.

Bioque, M:
 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Neurosci Inst, Barcelona Clin Schizophrenia Unit BCSU, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Med, Barcelona, Spain

Matias-Martins, AC:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

Llorca-Bofi, V:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

Mezquida, G:
 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Neurosci Inst, Barcelona Clin Schizophrenia Unit BCSU, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Basic Clin Practice, Pharmacol Unit, Barcelona, Spain

Cuesta, MJ:
 Hosp Univ Navarra, Dept Psychiat, Navarra, Spain

 Navarra Inst Hlth Res IdiSNA, Pamplona, Spain

Vieta, E:
 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Inst Neurosci, Bipolar & Depress Disorders Unit, Barcelona, Spain

Amoretti, S:
 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Inst Neurosci, Bipolar & Depress Disorders Unit, Barcelona, Spain

 Vall dHebron Res Inst VHIR, Psychiat Genet Unit, Grp Psychiat Mental Hlth & Addict, Barcelona, Spain

Lobo, A:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Zaragoza, Dept Med & Psychiat, Zaragoza, Spain

Gonzalez-Pinto, A:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Univ Araba, Serv Psiquiatria, UPV EHU, Bioaraba, Spain

Moreno, C:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Inst Psychiat & Mental Hlth, Inst Invest Sanitaria Gregorio Maranon IiSGM, Dept Child & Adolescent Psychiat, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Complutense, Sch Med, Madrid, Spain

Roldan, A:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Psychiat Dept, IIB SANT PAU, Inst Invest Biomed St Pau, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona UAB, Barcelona, Spain

Martinez-Aran, A:
 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Inst Neurosci, Bipolar & Depress Disorders Unit, Barcelona, Spain

Baeza, I:
 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Child & Adolescent Psychiat & Psychol Dept, SGR 881, Barcelona, Spain

Berge, D:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Hosp Mar Med Res Inst IMIM, Barcelona, Spain

 Pompeu Fabra Univ UPF, Barcelona, Spain

Garcia-Rizo, C:
 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Neurosci Inst, Barcelona Clin Schizophrenia Unit BCSU, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Med, Barcelona, Spain

Herrero, SM:
 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Basic Clin Practice, Pharmacol Unit, Barcelona, Spain

Bernardo, M:
 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Neurosci Inst, Barcelona Clin Schizophrenia Unit BCSU, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Invest Biomed August Pi I Sunyer IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain

 Inst Salud Carlos III, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Barcelona, Dept Med, Barcelona, Spain
ISSN: 05867614
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 48 Número: 6
Páginas: 1327-1335
WOS Id: 000835497000001
ID de PubMed: 35876785