First evidence of oncologic neuropathic pain prevalence after screening 8615 cancer patients. Results of the On study

Por: de Paredes, MLG, Gonzalez, FD, del Prado, PM, Ciriquian, JLM, Frances, SE, Dols, MC, Gonzalez, EE, Granados, ALO, Tarruella, MM, Buron, JDC, Hernandez, A, Miranda, EL, Santos, JPC, Carpeno, FJD

Publicada: 1 abr 2011
Background: Thirty percent to ninety percent of cancer patients suffer from pain, including neuropathic pain (NP), which results in great burden for cancer patients. Thus, it was of great interest to determine NP prevalence in cancer patients in Spain, to raise awareness of the condition, and aiming to improve management of cancer NP. Patients and methods: A 1-month follow-up prospective epidemiological multicenter study was conducted to assess prevalence and management of NP in Spanish oncologic units. The first 10 cancer patients at each unit diagnosed with NP by the validated Douleur Neuropathique 4 questionnaire (DN4) were recruited. Results: Of 8615 screened patients, 2567 (30%) suffered from pain. From these, 33% had NP according to investigators and 19% according to DN4 test. Three hundred and sixty-six patients (mean age 62.6 years; 61.2% male) were recruited. Pain decrease at 1 month was greater in patients with metastases (P < 0.01) and depended on treatment (P < 0.05), with 'oxycodone' showing 50.4% pain relief. Conclusions: NP prevalence in cancer pain is 33%. DN4 reports only about half the cancer NP cases diagnosed by clinicians. Pharmaceutical treatment of cancer pain, including NP, has a greater effect in patients with metastases and seems to depend on the specific treatment used.

de Paredes, MLG:
 Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Dept Oncol, E-28034 Madrid, Spain

Gonzalez, FD:
 Hosp Perpetuo Socorro, Dept Oncol, Alicante, Spain

del Prado, PM:
 Hosp Basurto, Dept Oncol, Vizcaya, Spain

Ciriquian, JLM:
 Hosp Gen Alicante, Dept Oncol, Alicante, Spain

Frances, SE:
 Hosp Univ Getafe, Dept Oncol, Madrid, Spain

Dols, MC:
 Complejo Hosp Reg Carlos Haya, Dept Oncol, Malaga, Spain

Gonzalez, EE:
 Hosp Univ Cent Asturias, Dept Oncol, Asturias, Spain

Granados, ALO:
 Complejo Hosp Jaen, Dept Oncol, Jaen, Spain

Tarruella, MM:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Oncol, Barcelona, Spain

Buron, JDC:
 Hosp Torrevieja Salud, Dept Oncol, Alicante, Spain

Hernandez, A:
 Hosp Plato, Dept Oncol, Barcelona, Spain

Miranda, EL:
 Hosp Univ Mostoles, Dept Oncol, Madrid, Spain

Santos, JPC:
 Hosp Donostia, Dept Radiooncol, Guipuzcoa, Spain

Carpeno, FJD:
 Hosp Univ La Paz, Dept Oncol, Madrid, Spain
ISSN: 09237534

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 22 Número: 4
Páginas: 924-930
WOS Id: 000289161200026
ID de PubMed: 20926548
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