Plastin 3 expression in discordant spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) siblings
Bernal, S, Also-Rallo, E, Martinez-Hernandez, R, Alias, L, Rodriguez-Alvarez, FJ, Millan, JM, Hernandez-Chico, C, Baiget, M, Tizzano, EF
1 jun 2011
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by loss or mutations of the survival motor neuron I gene (SMN1). Its highly homologous copy, SMN2, is present in all SMA cases and is a phenotypic modifier. There are cases where asymptomatic siblings of typical SMA patients possess a homozygous deletion of SMN1 just like their symptomatic brothers or sisters. Plastin 3 (PLS3) when over expressed in lymphoblasts from females has been suggested to act as a genetic modifier of SMA.
We studied PLS3 expression in four Spanish SMA families with discordant siblings haploidentical for the SMA locus. We excluded PLS3 as a possible modifier in two of our families with female discordant siblings. In the remaining two, we observed small differences in PLS3 expression between male and female discordant siblings. Indeed, we found that the values of PLS3 expression in lymphoblasts and peripheral blood ranged from 12 to 200-fold less than those in fibroblasts. These findings warrant further investigation in motor neurons derived from induced pluripotential stem cells of these patients. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bernal, S:
CIBERER U705, Barcelona, Spain
Also-Rallo, E:
CIBERER U705, Barcelona, Spain
Martinez-Hernandez, R:
CIBERER U705, Barcelona, Spain
Alias, L:
CIBERER U705, Barcelona, Spain
Rodriguez-Alvarez, FJ:
Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Unidad Genet, E-28034 Madrid, Spain
CIBERER U728, Madrid, Spain
Millan, JM:
Hosp La Fe, Unidad Genet, E-46009 Valencia, Spain
CIBERER U755, Valencia, Spain
Hernandez-Chico, C:
Hosp Ramon & Cajal, Unidad Genet, E-28034 Madrid, Spain
CIBERER U728, Madrid, Spain
Baiget, M:
CIBERER U705, Barcelona, Spain
Tizzano, EF:
Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Dept Genet, Serv Genet, Barcelona 08025, Spain
CIBERER U705, Barcelona, Spain