Sex differences in sleep after a single oral morning dose of olanzapine in healthy volunteers

Por: Gimenez, S, Romero, S, Gich, I, Clos, S, Grasa, E, Rosa-Maria, A, Barbanoj, MJ

Publicada: 1 oct 2011
Objective Polysomnography abnormalities are frequent in schizophrenia and have been correlated with clinical variables. Because women with schizophrenia present a general better clinical outcome than men, we aimed to determine whether sex differences in antipsychotic-induced effects on sleep could contribute to this difference. Methods Single oral morning doses of olanzapine (5 mg) were administered to 10 men and 10 women. Sleep variables were evaluated using traditional polysomnography Rechstschaffen and Kales criteria and all-night sleep electroencephalogram spectral analysis. Drug plasma concentrations were also measured. Results Significant sex-by-drug interactions were obtained in slow-wave sleep. After olanzapine, women showed an increase in slow-wave sleep, whereas men showed a decrease. We did not observe sex differences in olanzapine-induced hypnotic effects. Neither did we find any significant differences in pharmacokinetic parameters between sexes. Significant sex effects were observed in deep sleep, with women showing longer periods than men. Conclusion Our results showed significant pharmacodynamic differences in olanzapine sleep effects between men and women. Further studies in clinical populations are needed to assess if these sex-based differences suggest that optimal treatment and doses should differ between men and women. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Gimenez, S:
 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, CIM St Pau, Inst Recerca, Ctr Invest Med, Barcelona 08025, Spain

 UAB, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBERSAM, Ctr Invest Biomed Salud Mental, Madrid, Spain

Romero, S:
 UPC, Dept Automat Control ESAII, CREB, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBER BBN, Ctr Invest Biomed Bioingn Biomat & Nanomed, Madrid, Spain

Gich, I:
 UAB, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBERSAM, Ctr Invest Biomed Salud Mental, Madrid, Spain

 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Serv Farmacol Clin, Barcelona 08025, Spain

Clos, S:
 UAB, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBERSAM, Ctr Invest Biomed Salud Mental, Madrid, Spain

Grasa, E:
 UAB, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBERSAM, Ctr Invest Biomed Salud Mental, Madrid, Spain

Rosa-Maria, A:
 UAB, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBERSAM, Ctr Invest Biomed Salud Mental, Madrid, Spain

 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Serv Farmacol Clin, Barcelona 08025, Spain

Barbanoj, MJ:
 UAB, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Barcelona, Spain

 CIBERSAM, Ctr Invest Biomed Salud Mental, Madrid, Spain

 Hosp Santa Creu & Sant Pau, Serv Farmacol Clin, Barcelona 08025, Spain
ISSN: 08856222

WILEY, 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, Reino Unido
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 26 Número: 7
Páginas: 498-507
WOS Id: 000297410300007
ID de PubMed: 21953682