Methodology for determining major constituents of ayahuasca and their metabolites in blood

Por: McIlhenny, EH, Riba, J, Barbanoj, MJ, Strassman, R, Barker, SA

Publicada: 1 mar 2012
There is an increasing interest in potential medical applications of ayahuasca, a South American psychotropic plant tea with a long cultural history of indigenous medical and religious use. Clinical research into ayahuasca will require specific, sensitive and comprehensive methods for the characterization and quantitation of these compounds and their metabolites in blood. A combination of two analytical techniques (high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet and/or fluorescence detection and gas chromatography with nitrogenphosphorus detection) has been used for the analysis of some of the constituents of ayahuasca in blood following its oral consumption. We report here a single methodology for the direct analysis of 14 of the major alkaloid components of ayahuasca, including several known and potential metabolites of N,N-dimethyltryptamine and the harmala alkaloids in blood. The method uses 96-well plate/protein precipitation/filtration for plasma samples, and analysis by HPLCion trapion trapmass spectrometry using heated electrospray ionization to reduce matrix effects. The method expands the list of compounds capable of being monitored in blood following ayahuasca administration while providing a simplified approach to their analysis. The method has adequate sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility to make it useful for clinical research with ayahuasca. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

McIlhenny, EH:
 Louisiana State Univ, Dept Comparat Biomed Sci, Sch Vet Med, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 USA

Riba, J:
 Hosp Sant Pau, Serv Farmacol Clin, Inst Recerca, Ctr Invest Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, CIBERSAM, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain

Barbanoj, MJ:
 Hosp Sant Pau, Serv Farmacol Clin, Inst Recerca, Ctr Invest Med, Barcelona, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Farmacol & Terapeut, Ctr Invest Biomed Red Salud Mental, CIBERSAM, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain

Strassman, R:
 Univ New Mexico, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA

 Cottonwood Res Fdn, Taos, NM 87571 USA

Barker, SA:
 Louisiana State Univ, Dept Comparat Biomed Sci, Sch Vet Med, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 USA
ISSN: 02693879

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 26 Número: 3
Páginas: 301-313
WOS Id: 000299834500004
ID de PubMed: 21710581