Epidemiology, species distribution and in vitro antifungal susceptibility of fungaemia in a Spanish multicentre prospective survey

Por: Peman, J, Canton, E, Quindos, G, Eraso, E, Alcoba, J, Guinea, J, Merino, P, Ruiz-Perez-de-Pipaon, MT, Perez-del-Molino, L, Linares-Sicilia, MJ, Marco, F, Garcia, J, Rosello, EM, Gomez-G-de-la-Pedrosa, E, Borrell, N, Porras, A, Yague, G, Sánchez-Reus F., FUNGEMYCA Study Grp

Publicada: 1 may 2012
To update the knowledge of the epidemiology of fungaemia episodes in Spain, the species implicated and their in vitro antifungal susceptibilities. Episodes were identified prospectively over 13 months at 44 hospitals. Molecular methods were used to determine the cryptic species inside the Candida parapsilosis and Candida glabrata complexes. Susceptibility to amphotericin B, anidulafungin, caspofungin, fluconazole, flucytosine, itraconazole, micafungin, posaconazole and voriconazole was determined by a microdilution colorimetric method. New species-specific clinical breakpoints (SSCBPs) for echinocandins, fluconazole and voriconazole were applied. The incidence of the 1357 fungaemia episodes evaluated was 0.92 per 1000 admissions. The incidence of Candida albicans fungaemia was the highest (0.41 episodes/1000 admissions), followed by Candida parapsilosis sensu stricto (0.22). Candida orthopsilosis was the fifth cause of fungaemia (0.02), outnumbered by Candida glabrata and Candida tropicalis. Interestingly, the incidence of fungaemia by C. parapsilosis was 11 and 74 times higher than that by C. orthopsilosis and Candida metapsilosis, respectively. Neither Candida nivariensis nor Candida bracarensis was isolated. Fungaemia was more common in non-intensive care unit settings (65.2) and among elderly patients (46.4), mixed fungaemia being incidental (1.5). Overall susceptibility rates were 77.6 for itraconazole, 91.9 for fluconazole and 96.599.8 for the other agents. Important resistance rates were only observed in C. glabrata for itraconazole (24.1) and posaconazole (14.5), and in Candida krusei for itraconazole (81.5). Fungaemia is more common in non-critical patients. C. albicans is the most common species, followed by C. parapsilosis and C. glabrata. Nearly 90 of yeasts are susceptible to all antifungal agents tested. Resistance rates change moderately when applying the new SSCBPs.

Peman, J:
 Hosp Univ La Fe, Microbiol Serv, Valencia 46009, Spain

Quindos, G:
 Univ Basque Country, Fac Med, Dept Inmunol Microbiol & Parasitol, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain

Eraso, E:
 Univ Basque Country, Fac Med, Dept Inmunol Microbiol & Parasitol, E-48080 Bilbao, Spain

Alcoba, J:
 Hosp Nuestra Senora Candelaria, Tenerife, Spain

Guinea, J:
 Hosp Gen Univ Gregorio Maranon, Madrid, Spain

Merino, P:
 Hosp Clin San Carlos, Madrid, Spain

Ruiz-Perez-de-Pipaon, MT:
 Hosp Virgen del Rocio, Seville, Spain

Perez-del-Molino, L:
 Complejo Hosp, Santiago De Compostela, Spain

Linares-Sicilia, MJ:
 Hosp Reina Sofia, Cordoba, Spain

Marco, F:
 Hosp Clin Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Garcia, J:
 Hosp La Paz, Madrid, Spain

Rosello, EM:
 Hosp Valle De Hebron, Barcelona, Spain

Gomez-G-de-la-Pedrosa, E:
 Hosp Ramon & Cajal, E-28034 Madrid, Spain

Borrell, N:
 Hosp Son Dureta, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Porras, A:
 Hosp Carlos Haya, Malaga, Spain

Yague, G:
 Hosp Univ Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain

Sánchez-Reus F.:
 Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
ISSN: 03057453

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 67 Número: 5
Páginas: 1181-1187
WOS Id: 000302489200022
ID de PubMed: 22351683
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